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  1. Big Sammich

    Game Mechanics A tab that keeps track of your shimmer upgrades

    That's a false equivalency. Certain pieces of information are crucial to playing the game and should not be withheld from the player. Many people, including you yourself, have called this suggestion QoL. It would be nice to have, but you don't need it. Don't pretend that having aa list of which...
  2. Big Sammich

    Other A compost bin that slowly spawns worms overtime

    Hmm. Ok. I'm not sure if I necessarily believe that this is a cheap recipe, since you probably won't have 5 fruit early unless you specifically go for it, but I was clearly wrong about it being too expensive. Considering that all you get out if it is worms, it's probably fine as it is.
  3. Big Sammich

    Other A compost bin that slowly spawns worms overtime

    When you say "harder than you thought," what do you mean? How many attempts did it take?
  4. Big Sammich

    Game Mechanics A tab that keeps track of your shimmer upgrades

    I personally don't lose track of which permanent upgrades I have. But I'm generally against any suggestion that can be achieved just as effectively by writing something down with pen and paper.
  5. Big Sammich

    Game Mechanics Pet Bonus

    As people have said, pets are much better when they have no effect. People already complain about Chester.
  6. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip A way to fix Demon Scythe's place in the progression

    It would be a much better solution to make Hell more difficult. That would also address the issue (if you see it as one) of people being able to get Molten Armor much earlier than intended.
  7. Big Sammich

    Game Mechanics A tab that keeps track of your shimmer upgrades

    You could just... write it down...
  8. Big Sammich

    Game Mechanics Wired chest will drop items

    This already exists. The Chest Lock can be crafted with 2 Chains and 5 Bones.
  9. Big Sammich

    Other A compost bin that slowly spawns worms overtime

    I challenge you to get 5 fruit in even your first two days of Terraria. The drop rate is not that good.
  10. Big Sammich

    Other A compost bin that slowly spawns worms overtime

    You'd need to get it earlier for it to be really useful. It's not difficult to accrue large amounts of Journeyman Bait or even Master Bait. I think 5 fruit is too pricey.
  11. Big Sammich

    Items solution: reaver shark.

    To me, this just says that the change that requires more work is still worth doing.
  12. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip Random dumb idea: The magic whip

    Ok, firstly, don't call your own ideas dumb, especially in the title. Have confidence in your ideas. If you don't believe in them, nobody will. I am about to heavily criticize this suggestion, but I still absolutely believe this. Regardless of any criticism you receive, that statement is always...
  13. Big Sammich

    Items solution: reaver shark.

    I still don't personally believe that skipping progression is that big of a deal. I find Terraria's progression fun, and I don't often feel like skipping directly to Molten at the start of the game. But if someone does want to do that, and they're willing to go to the trouble of getting a Reaver...
  14. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip A hardmode underground desert accessory

    This would be very underpowered, but that's not necessarily a problem. How often do you actually want to put a debuff on an enemy that isn't a boss or miniboss, and how often is that enemy immune to that debuff, and how often does that debuff really move the needle for you anyway? I personally...
  15. Big Sammich

    NPCs & Enemies The Seraphim of the Sky: The new gateway into Late Pre-hardmode!

    I don't know, man. If people want to skip progression that bad, why not let 'em? I'd be in favor of making it more difficult to skip progression, namely by making the Underworld more dangerous, but locking it away entirely and forcing players to progress more linearly just feels lame.
  16. Big Sammich

    Other A "Now playing" pop-up would be pretty cool

    I really don't dislike this idea. However, I think having a pop-up that tells you the name of the song would be distracting and would break immersion. And besides, we already have the Music Boxes to tell you the names of the songs.
  17. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip IDK if this suggestions is funny or mildly deplorable (I leave that to staff and my audience)

    I don't think the idea of adding a wheelchair is necessarily bad, but doing it in this way is a bit tasteless. We should be elevating and helping disabled people, not mocking them. Why not just make it a decent early-game mount?
  18. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip Idea For a Hardmode Armor Set From Duke Fishron

    I don't think an armor set from Duke Fishron is necessary. His weapons are already some of the best in the game in their respective categories (except Tempest Staff), and his wings and Expert mount are top tier as well. What further reward do you need if you beat him early?
  19. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip Longsword Charm (melee accessory!)

    This just sounds identical to the Titan Glove and Power Glove. Increasing melee weapon size is only helpful to a certain point. I can't think of any reason why I'd use this over the Fire Gauntlet. It has more defense, enables autoswing, and buffs melee speed. The lunge attack isn't a bad...
  20. Big Sammich

    Weapons & Equip Make more melee weapons projectile per swing

    This would just kind of be a buff for all projectile swords, and most of them really don't need buffs. Hell, quite a few of them could do with a nerf.
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