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  1. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    Is there any several changes since v9.9.1 until v9.9.5.1?
  2. Lonely Golem

    Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

    In that case, even if the DPS gets higher by the multtargeting the damage to ML itself won't change a lot. EVERYONE LISTEN, I GOT A MARTIAN PROBE SIGNAL WITH THE LIFEFORME ANALYZER, THEY ARE NOT EXTINCT PS:sorry for the double post.
  3. Lonely Golem

    Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

    ok i'm going to say 2 completly off topic things(the 2nd is just to see what will poeple say): 1) can someone tell me why EVERY time i defeat the Lunatic Cultist the Nebula Pillar spawn in the extreme opposite side of the Dungeon. Is it a bug? Something supposed? Or just a coincidence? 2) Star...
  4. Lonely Golem

    Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

    That's why you have to CONTINOUSLY shoot it EDIT: I mean if you fill the screen with projectiles it's' logilcaly impossible to miss even if the projectile move slow or don't even move at all!
  5. Lonely Golem

    Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

    Don't know why everyone hates Nebula Arcanum so much. For me it was a great help against the other towers (better than Razorblade Typhoon and Nebula Blaze). My theory is that most people fail in continously launching those little galaxy like things, because if you have a (something) Cuffs and...
  6. Lonely Golem

    Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

    I liked EVERY change in the 1.3 update and later, EXCEPT the teleporting Moon Lord. I agree that the "mirror-to-nurse" strategy is a little boring, but at least for the first(s) kill is the ONLY thing which could possibly work (for me at least, and i also have a world arena and the best stuff...
  7. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    "Well, you know the shards that drop from certain monsters? Give them to the Guide to make another shard that requires two of the shard you put to the guide and something else (i.e. 2 Undead Shards and 1 Rotten Flesh for a certain shard). Make 3 of each of them, and maybe hand those to the Guide...
  8. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    The contagion chest, if i remeber well, have a weapon like the vampire knives but instead of heal they are a homing projectile, don't remeber the name. The underworld chest contains the Hellrazer, a ranged weapon. its projectiles explode and deal a lot of damage, but the gun it self has a low...
  9. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    No, the Onix is a ore, but is a little rare, not sure if is a coincidente or not but i found more in the underground jungle
  10. Lonely Golem


  11. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    Thank you for your opinion, and about Hephaestus feature i was thinking the same thing but have no idea about how to solve it without making the item to hard to code. The idea of the tomes is also pretty interesting
  12. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    I have a suggestion for the mod ,but i actually wouldn't be surprised if it gets rejected or simply ignored, but anyway here it goes: (Some greek god) Bless An item that works like a pet buff, and give you some bonus based on the choosen god, i was thinking in being made by A LOT of souls and...
  13. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    I would like to, but don't know if our free time would match, since im probably at another time zone.
  14. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    i know this question is a little dumb, but: am i supposed to get a desert key mold in a hallow cave miles away from the closest desert?
  15. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    That enemy is from Tremor and i think it's called Dark Druid but i never got a crash 'cause of it.
  16. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    the least help is already usefull, thank you
  17. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    Hello people, i'm starting to think: "I think the people of that forum do not like me, I only make questions xD!", so if this is reality plase say and i'll stop being boring and search deeply to find the answers. BUT i'll ask a little more before you answer :p : What are , and plase tell me one...
  18. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    i may suggest you to drink luck potions to increase rare drops chance (give a fireblossom to the guide)
  19. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    what is the diference between the regular blah's armour and the tier 2?
  20. Lonely Golem

    [Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

    ok thank you
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