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  1. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Underestimating Crates...

    G *cries* So I tried fishing and it totally ruined my life is wonderful to do. I'm also now addicted to potion making (because why not?) and am currently looking to open shops on servers to dump and sell all the potions I have amassed (again, because why not?). So kudos to you guys!
  2. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    No problem. I recently decided to start doing *some* stuff on here and thought your profile...

    No problem. I recently decided to start doing *some* stuff on here and thought your profile looked good
  3. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Expert Destroyer Nerf

    Yeah. But then you have to deal with everything else. This aside, expert mode is made to be punishing. The Destoyer head is fair because it slaps your wrists hard if you don't move quickly. So be more like Twinkletoes! Don't hurt me for making a reference. Please?
  4. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Expert Destroyer Nerf

    The crawlipede does around 250 damage with 50 defense, why shouldn't that be nerfed? In comparison, all the other towers are quite easy to beat on expert, but the solar one kicks :red: easily. I think it should stay that way because it is accurate punishment if the head of the thing manages to hit...
  5. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

    If you reread prior posts, the context of what he's conveying makes sense. Although you might frown upon reading that because that was awhile ago and filtering through posts is a bore
  6. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

    If you try to make lore the priority, you're doing it wrong. Let that ride the backseat when creating anything in a game:p Yes! I agree with this 100%, although it would still make sense to carry the immunity over to the shield as Terraria doesn't always make sense (a weapon called the Deadly...
  7. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Underestimating Crates...

    Terraria already ruined my life Oh, I plan on it
  8. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

    Wow. The electrified debuff (I think that's what it's called) is something you can avoid, and the fact that you can still jump up and not take damage is ok enough to avoid some other attacks. The fact that you said it is "cheap" bugs me because not every single debuff needs something that gives...
  9. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

    Interesting. So since there are people who complain about this and people who don't have a problem, could there be a possible bug that makes it go through blocks? Something to consider
  10. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Underestimating Crates...

    Thanks! This is really helpful!
  11. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

    Most people on this thread are either, "woah, this new mob is :red:ty at best", or "you have a problem with this mob? I've managed to not have a bad experience yet". I am one of the later people. This makes me wonder if some people are luckier than others or if some people are overreacting to...
  12. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Unintentional spammed cat noises

    Unintentional spammed cat noises
  13. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Is Solar Flare armor actually an upgrade?

    This must've taken a while to sum up. Thank you, it really shows the highlights of the set and some things I didn't know :)
  14. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Class Set-Ups

    Ranger/Summoner Hybrid Armor: Stardust armor Accessories: Celestial Shell (Celestial stone + Moon shell), Papyrus Scarab, Destroyer Emblem, Avenger Emblem, Sniper Scope, Frostspark Boots; Menacing Minions have +125% damage with this loadout :merchanteek: Weapons: S.D.M.G, Tactical Shotgun...
  15. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Hot Topic Terrarians, Show us your Custom Vanity Sets

    Mine is a Sun Warrior: Sun Mask Fossil Plate Fossil Greaves Vortex Booster Shark Tooth Necklace w/ Stardust dye Everything has Solar dye unless marked. Will post picture tomorrow.
  16. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Underestimating Crates...

    So I have never fished at all. But now I am really bored, so do tell about this... "Fishing".
  17. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Is Solar Flare armor actually an upgrade?

    So, I tinkered around with the Solar armor because I have completed the game and am bored with life. Anyways, there are some pros to the armor. The dash allows you to escape enemies/finish off enemies with low health or low max health. Basically, you get a free accessory. While we are talking...
  18. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    Your 1.3 Vanity! Post it Here!

    So I am loving some of the new stuff in 1.3: armor, vanity sets, vanity pieces... Basically, post your vanity here for everyone to admire! Include what items you used, or don't, if you want to keep your secrets to yourself `:p. Preferably with pictures, duh, and with the items; I want to know...
  19. ThatGuyYouKnowSometimes

    My rant on the (lack of) weapon diversity in 1.3.

    Well, yeah. I am trying to be optimistic by saying that it is still useful into hardmode :3
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