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  1. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️


  2. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️


  3. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    HandsomeSquirrel's AMA

    Sometimes. When the one eating the pizza wants pineapple on it, yes. When the one eating the pizza does not want pineapple on it, no. While I have never tried it, I don't think I'd like the combination, but I see no problem with other people having it.
  4. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    I looked it up and apparently Singles Awareness Day is today, the 15th.

    I looked it up and apparently Singles Awareness Day is today, the 15th.
  5. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    As a very late birthday present, I made you this balloon fox! Happy Discount Chocolate Day! [ATTACH]

    As a very late birthday present, I made you this balloon fox! Happy Discount Chocolate Day!
  6. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    HandsomeSquirrel's AMA

    Off the top of my head, probably Hero Wars. Not that it wasn't fun, but it was grindy and time-consuming, and I wasn't really getting anything out of it. My main issue, however, is their IMMENSELY AWFUL ads. They tend to either be garbage or worse than garbage, and they're nearly all misleading...
  7. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️


  8. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    The Last Post Wins!

    Dunno; I have 11 pages to catch up on.
  9. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    Single Thread RP Limbo.

    (Aw man... that's fair, I suppose; with 3 and a half fighters it would have been over quickly. I was looking forward to enacting Stygian's first participation in a combat situation.) (I really wanna be more active here, but I gotta put my other responsibilities foremost in priority, so I'm...
  10. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️


  11. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! As I said last year, remember that this holiday is about all forms...

    Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! As I said last year, remember that this holiday is about all forms of love, not just romantic, so go out of your way to show some love to the people around you! "Let love be genuine. Abhor evil; hold fast to what is good." — Romans 12:9
  12. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    The Last Post Wins!

    Funnily, the episode of Shangri-la Frontier I watched at lunch involves pirates, and during my shower earlier I was listening to soundtracks from Cat Quest III, which is pirate-themed.
  13. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    It would need one more syllable on each line to be a haiku

    It would need one more syllable on each line to be a haiku
  14. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    Living trees

    Living trees
  15. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    CTRL V

    (D20: 2 for perception) Stygian doesn't notice Tom.
  16. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    The Last Post Wins!

    I mean, I'm kinda concerned too. I hope you weren't serious about being willing to crush a toddler's skull for a dime.
  17. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    Single Thread RP Generic Adventures of the Main Protagonists

    ...While adjusting his position, Kreleef falls over into the plant, which tips to the ground with a clatter. Trying to regain his bearings, he awkwardly rolls over it, slips with his foot stuck in the bucket, and lands with his face in the scattered dirt. *angry unintelligible concerned grumbles*
  18. HandsomeSquirrel🐿️

    Single Thread RP Limbo.

    (15 plus however much damage Tethin does with his venom attack)
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