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  1. Coendu

    Recruiting For Slimes Mod! (I made Sprites dont worry xd)

    oh thanks you i really need the help xd
  2. Coendu

    Recruiting For Slimes Mod! (I made Sprites dont worry xd)

    I updated the Spirtes are you a programer?
  3. Coendu

    tModLoader Itorius' Mods

    Soooo when comes the true eternity gets a update? i just miss the slimes... :c
  4. Coendu

    Recruiting For Slimes Mod! (I made Sprites dont worry xd)

    Hey, i want to recruitanybody to program this slimes, i have created the spirets slime (minion, Staff, Buff), because i dont know how to program, this mod is based on the old slimes mod "True eternity mod" now outdated. So here are the sprites and the craft of the slimes Red Slime: 3 Ruby, 10...
  5. Coendu

    tModLoader True Eternity

    Hello im 2018 and i want download this awesome mod but i cant because this mod isn't in the tmodloader browser... where i can downloa it atleast in archives :c
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