Hmm... Well it was a large world so that could delay the process I guess. My device has 3GB Ram, with about 1.8GB free before running the game and an overclocked GPU & CPU.(See Motorola Moto G6 Play - Full phone specifications for more details) But yes I understand that there is a lot more...
Alright I will give it a try later. And report of course. Thanks.
About performance I always kill the most background apps as possible and overclock everything to run the game the most smooth as possible. I wonder if unlocking hardmode has something to do with the performance, or maybe it's...
Just unlocked hardmode but the game was so laggy so I just went back to the menu to save and reset the game, and I just saw "Setting hard mode" instead of "Saving world data" so I thought that the world wasn't saved. Spoiler: I was right. When I tried to open the world again it said "Setting...
I'm going to fight the wall of flesh for the first time in the 1.3 tomorrow (ik my progress is really slow), I hope there isn't any bug with it. By the way I love the change in the left stick, I really needed that!
here's a screenshot of the main menu with a blood moon in progress because why not
The controls needed that change for do what you want in the game. The old controls were so limited and had a lot of problems. Also the auto swinging is not a bad idea, I personally wouldn't use it the most of the time but is good to have the option.
I already did it, but the scaling isn't the problem, just the items. Just saying that they could fit better in the slots without leaving a huge blue space
I like the new UI, I think that the only thing I would like to have is a little bit more big icons for items. Sometimes is hard to find a specific item in the inventory or a chest with my small screen
Hmm... Maybe check the file size? If it shows as 0 kbs then the file is corrupt or empty. There are files like that in my cloud so the character and world doesn't load properly
Did you move it to "OldSaves" folder? The .cs and .csworld saves need to be there (also don't change the file type, it needs to be converted once you open the game)
Getting used to the new controls. I have a bad performance in my old world (In some places the fps drops to 5) but in 1.3 worlds the game runs very smooth, which is the only thing I care about rn. So happy with the new update :rslime:
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