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  1. Chronomize

    Thanks. I'm already feeling it...

    Thanks. I'm already feeling it...
  2. Chronomize

    Thank you, HandsomeSquirrel

    Thank you, HandsomeSquirrel
  3. Chronomize

    Texture Pack What's the sprite for world generation bars?

    I want to change the look of world generation bars, but I can't find their sprites. I found the sprites for the worldgen frame in "Images > UI > WorldGen", but I can't find the sprite for the coloured inside bit (the bar itself). Can anyone help?
  4. Chronomize

    Pixel Art My first Terraria armor I made years ago

    You should make it a resource pack where it replaces the Crystal Assassin set
  5. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Ice Queen Remake

    I like her uhh... Face. That's it. Her face. Nothing else. And her wings.
  6. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Added Birdie Rattle - Vial of Blood Lil' Harpy Pet - Bat Pet Exotic Chew Toy - Turkey Feather Fennec Fox Pet - Turkey Pet Baby Rattle - Old Walking Stick Baby Face Monster Pet - Old Lady Pet Monster Meat - Suspicious Looking Apple Pig Man Pet - Worm Pet Spiffo's Plush - Brain Spiffo Pet -...
  7. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition

    Made a few UI changes including, but not limited to, the original minimap frame (Remix), old reforge and crafting menu icons, and old speech bubbles
  8. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Changed: Health bars - Old-gen console style health bars Sunflower loading icon - Old-gen console loading icon Shiny Stone - Valentine Ring Hornet - Half of variants replaced with Dragon Hornet Celebration - Roman Candle Orange Zapinator - Zapinator Super Star Cannon - Egg Cannon Fruit Salad -...
  9. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Updated to add Cabbage (Guinea Pig); replaces Eucalyptus sap (Sugar Glider)
  10. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition

    Dungeon theme removed, repalced with, 'Eerie'
  11. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Updated to add the Shiny Black Slab (Android Pet); replaces Glow Tulip (Caveling Gardener)
  12. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition

    Added the base game Shadow and Jungle armour textures back as the ancient armour and added localisation to revert numerous name changes (including the Volcano -> Fiery Greatsword)
  13. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Updated to add localization (custom item names and tooltips)
  14. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Tizona over Zenith

    Lol I just did something similar, except I didn't change the texture haha. I also did the exclusive armours and other weapons
  15. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Ice Sickle resprite

    It compliments the art style much better. The Ice Sickle is long overdue a sprite update (although I'd just immediately change it back since I'm a retro fanboy)
  16. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition

    Replaces various end-game gear and items with exclusive content from old-gen console, Nintendo 3DS, and mobile Terraria. Let me know what you miss from these old versions in the comments and I'll see what I can replace to add it! But, no bosses, and enemy variants are iffy. Steam Workshop...
  17. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria Beta Edition

    Replaces some sprites with their pre-alpha to 1.0 sprites, including some NPCs, mobs, blocks, sky elements, and UI (not all are shown in the pictures). Steam workshop: Download:
  18. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition

    Made mana potions purple and restoration potions green
  19. Chronomize

    Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition

    Restored the bright dungeon bricks from 1.0, including cracked dungeon bricks and all dungeon walls
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