It seems like a cool idea to have a support class but I recommend more healing and mana regen for the people arround you than you also, if this is normal mode or mid game the defense is decent but end game, you will die within seconds so I propose arround 75 defense if this arround post...
Hello! I am willing to start a new Softcore Expertmode world. If you want to play with me, please reply with your Steam username or profile page link. I don't really care about the age, I am 14 by the way. Please have a Skype account with a microphone since I really don't like to play only just...
Hello! I'd like to join you on your world. My Steam profile link is:
I am 14 by the way, I usually do normal mode softcore, but in multiplayer expert-mode softcore should be just fine!
See you on Terraria!
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