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  1. Riddix

    tModLoader Material Trader NPC

    that is a fair assumption but then again why would there be an extra sentence? I wish that the mod author would at least release the source code.
  2. Riddix

    tModLoader Material Trader NPC

    you could practice some functional reading, it's said that > There are no plans to update the mod for new versions of tmodloader before the release of Terraria 1.4 and as you might have noticed, tmodlaoder 1.4 is out. so that's why I was asking.
  3. Riddix

    tModLoader Material Trader NPC

    any plan to bring this to 1.4?
  4. Riddix

    tModLoader Experience and Classes

    any chance for 1.4?
  5. Riddix

    tModLoader Even More Modifiers Relaunch Beta

    any chance for 1.4 alpha release?
  6. Riddix

    tModLoader Recipe Browser

    I guess it would be after tModLoader supports 1.4
  7. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    I wouldn't be surprised if Jopojelly would take over :D
  8. Riddix

    tModLoader Recipe Browser

    this mod works with tModLoader - Item Checklist - In-game 100% item collection checklist it can filter out some stuff if you want.
  9. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    that probably could be a mod in itself.
  10. Riddix

    Tool TerraCustom for 1.3

    do you have mod that enables XL size?
  11. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    that moment when Blushie is one of the TModLoader devs >.>
  12. Riddix

    tModLoader Recipe Browser

    It was stated that TModLoader will take months to update to Terraria 1.4 and then all the mods will have to update themselves to Terraria 1.4 I guess it will all depend on how backwards compatible Terraria 1.4 TModLoder will be.
  13. Riddix

    tModLoader Experience and Classes

    By multiclass penalty, do you mean that if you have lvl 100 and use 2 classes then both will be lvl 50? as far as I know, there is none. I'm pretty sure I even asked about this some time ago, something related to balance.
  14. Riddix

    Tool TerraCustom for 1.3

    I think there's an option to force them on different sides I think some time ago you mentioned an option to change biome sizes? But I think it just stayed as an idea.
  15. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    It's gonna take couple of months before tModLoader will be updated to 1.4 and then some, before mods get updated to 1.4. if you really want to, there's a solution, spread out the containers into different "chunks". I have been researching it for a while but I never found out, how big are...
  16. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    just the one I linked. it's built on top of the current one.
  17. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

  18. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    it definitely is worth using and it works with the latest tModLoader. Also, if you go to @blushiemagic 's page, you see there is said that he/she will continue modding once 1.4 drops, so there will be hope that this mod will be updated for 1.4. And if it won't be updated there certainly will be...
  19. Riddix

    tModLoader Recipe Browser

    this is spectacular. @jopojelly, what would it take to integrate this mod with magic storage? also, I just tried this new feature with a modpack. it was loading for a few seconds as you said but then nothing appeared. Here's the stack trace. [17:32:57] [1/ERROR] [Terraria]...
  20. Riddix

    tModLoader Magic Storage

    I'm wondering, is this mod still maintained?
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