The title is pretty self explanatory. Allow me to start with mine.
Back when I was in school, I was told to read a passage from the math textbook. However, I mispronounced the word mensuration (studies of angles etc) into another word (I think you guys can guess what word is that). Some pupils...
And let me remind you kindly, case law (UK at least) disagrees with your logic.
TL;DR, the guy grabbed his sword and basically said something along the lines "If the judges arent watching, I would have cut you up"!
The claimant himself is...
You clearly aren't reading my post carefully as I clearly said I WOULD HAVE said those stuffs if it weren't for that mod warning us not to be respectful. But on the topic of challenge, you can go play "I Wanna Be The Guy!" or impossible and and all the other "I wanna be the X" fangames if you...
Thx for the reminder... I was about to tell those players who think they are so good that they can beat ML blindfolded and hands tied to the back to get off Terraria and play those "I wanna be the X' games on Impossible Mode since they love hard games so much. But I guess I don't have to now...
Oops, turned out I didn't quote properly
My previous post in page 5 was a response to Agastya.
Apologise for the confusion, if any.
EDIT: I'm gonna sleep now. Its very late at my place. Gnight.
For the record the only cheese I did was my second successful with moon Lord where I used the teleport to nurse strategy everyone talks about back then until it gets patched. Then I started killing him in a more direct approach in my sky bridge. And insulting? I don't think so. If anything the...
*shakes head* Enough is enough. Stop making new patches to disable unorthodox or the so called cheese strategy.
For goodness sake, you guys are gonna lose a lot of supporters if you disable heart statues like some has mentioned or even make the deathray harder to dodge.
At last. We can summon moon lord manually. The process of going thro ugh the pillars is like the biggest scrappy mechanic of terraria. I thank you, devs for listening to our pleas.
Hmm, you're right. But Medusa Death message can be "[Player] is stoned... literally"
OK, death message for the bosses, for I felt these guys deserve some humiliation too not just the player
King Slime now joins his many fallen subjects.
Eye of Cthulhu learned the penalty for staring and...
More coming up!
[Player] thought gravity is just only a theory. (fall damage death)
[Player] doesn't know how to properly handle explosives (death by own planted explosives)
[Player] finally understood the pain of Vlad the Impaler's victim. (death by spike)
[Player]'s skeleton was lit up...
[Player] thought he was bulletproof (death by bullet or gun based attacks)
[Player] is now an arrow pincushion (death by arrow based attacks)
[Player] was cleaved neatly into 2 (death by blade based attacks)
OK, I was overestimating about the 40 minutes thingy. Yeah, I kill in about 15-25 minutes the whole thing (approx 10 if you discount the travel time between pillar) However my point still stands. There's lots of interesting mobs there spawning near the pillar but it's a shame none of them drop...
The obvious answer is we took our time pwning the final boss of the game so we should be rewarded accordingly. I would be happier if they make the towers segment easier though. Like allowing us to skip/instantly destory one tower with a one use item or something (crafted with all the extra...
Phew... I'm playing for like 3 hours after the update. After some modification to my skybridge, I took on Moon Lord once again and won (although the heart dispenser didn't work as I wanted it, maybe due to the fact there are already 10 hearts in the world, possibly due the dead monster at the...
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