I load my save file hoping that the dungeon is randomly generated.
Room 1118 is the Terraria Animated Series posted by Element Animation, you know the one
Heres an interesting idea for a unique gimmick fot the class: a stealth mechanic! I have no idea how exactly you would do it, but its an interesting concept.
Actually, in my opinion its more like melee. The weapons arent consumed when used.
Sure, it looks like throwing, but gameplay wise, think about it. Boomerangs, Vampire knives, Daybreak. Those are all melee because they arent consumed.
I don't think it's possible to change the class of a vanilla item to a modded class. The only way I think you could do that would be to replace them with a modded item that looks exactly the same. But at the same time that wouldn't be compatible with other mods that allow you to use them in recipes.
Feel free to! If i feel like it i might help improve on a few others, but probably not, i like to make my own mods (most of which are like 5 lines of code.) And ill probably be spending a lot of time on that.
I dont exactly know how, but i feel like not only would it probably be easier, but also work better if you just test if the player dies while a boss is alive.
Im pretty sure flamethrowers are basically like the clockwork assault rifle (shoots multiple times per click and only consumes 1 ammo), but the projectile is a little different. The projectile is basically invisible due to the amount of dust, and it sets things on fire. I've never tried making a...
how would i put a message in chat? Like to make sure you know that the expert exclusive item you just used in normal mode didnt work. Or the opposite, to make sure you know it DID work.
Anybody else realize this new update seems like some sort of plan to make melee the worst class? The Wulfrum Drone is basically impossible to deal with. And the Wulfrum Hovercrafts dont work properly in multiplayer, in singleplayer they get stunned when you hit them with a sword, but not in...
I feel like most people either forgot it was ever like that (like me) or came to terraria after the ores were added. I don't hate the idea, i actually like it a lot, but i feel like it will cause a lot of confusion for newer players.
The reason she is so hard to beat is because you never got to learn her patterns, like you did for Duke Fishron. After lots of practice i think all of the items are perfectly fine. (in a few cases maybe even too good)
i can almost guarantee someone else said this, but i'd rather say something that's already been said than read the ENTIRE thread. I think Holy Arrows need to be buffed back to the way they were before. Now its much harder to get your hands on a piercing ranged weapon. Just because Daedalus...
I hope im misunderstanding what you are saying here, because to me it sounds like you are saying "make it stronger because sniper rifle can do big damage" which is dumb because it would also be affected by the armor and accessories. Really hope i misunderstood that
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