So I'm coding an item that has several recipes it's used in. Everything I've seen has put the recipes at the bottom of the item's page, yet all the recipes there give me the same error whenever I build and reload, "Recipe already has maximum number of ingredients. 14 is the max." I have looked...
I am writing code to make the slime staff craft able with 25 gel and 30 wood, but for some reason I keep getting errors no matter what I change. Here is the code currently,
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
namespace Xtreme
public class XTreme : Mod
public ModRecipe...
Does anyone know how to make a slime in code, I looked in example mod and other places but it either was a boss slime, or some other slime with new mechanics, I just want a normal slime that will spawn in the surface. I’m very new to coding and have not made anything yet.
I’m new to modding and planning on adding a Flower that only spawns in crimson, but for it to make sense I need to make the Deathweed stop spawning in the crimson. I have the code for a flower, but I don’t know how to stop the Deathweed from spawing.
(If anyone wants to know I’m going to make...
I’m working on a flower that will replace the corruption Deathweed, it only spawns in crimson, and I can make the flower, I just need to know how to get the Deathweed to stop spawning it the world is crimson, and spawn if it’s corruption.
If you look up tile “bools” you can see that light is Shine, or Shine2, since I have not coded I do not know how to make it shine, but you could most likely find a tutorial or use example mod. I’m not sure if liquid is the same or different.
Your welcome. I’m new to modding but from what I’ve seen number IDs work, and words or numbers in parenthesis are usually not spaced from the actual ID.
My goal is to make the crimson have it’s own special version of Deathweed, The example mod code is going to be very helpful (Thanks for the advice btw), but now I just need to figure out how to make the Deathweed stop spawning in the Crimson, I also will make the Crimson Deathweed(GoreBlossom)...
Does anyone know how to code in a plant like the Deathweed, I’m new to modding and thought it would be easy but I can’t find any tutorials. I was planning to make a plant that is like Deathweed but for crimson. If anyone knows how I would really appreciate it. Also I need to know how to stop the...
I’m new to modding and I want to make a herb/plant that is similar to the Deathweed but only spawns in the crimson. I can’t find anything on how to code it in.
I also want to make the Deathweed only spawn in corruption for my mod, but mainly focused on coding the GoreBlossom (the new herb I’m...
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