Hello if you can't understand whats said in this message please state what "language" you read in and I will respond back with "google translated" text for you.
On to your question, this mod seems to only affect monsters/mobs and does not appear to add any prefixes to NPCS. Sorry for the dis...
Can all of you do me two favors
Before posting a bug please make sure its not first already mentioned
Two if it is mentioned can you give more detail as to what happened/when/where/and what you were doing at the time? I think that would help Rockos more.
Now from what I've read most of these...
I assumed its a radar chart just doesn't look appealing to me atm i'll see how i like it with levels when its out xD Not meaning to criticize or insult just commenting as i await your updates owo -goes off to mass murder mobs with the new statues-
It may just be I've not updated my game i'll try that in a bit
after updating i got back all 740 levels (thought i'd be loosing some) so yeah thanks lol.
are levels set to worlds.. coz i just switched worlds and went to 390..?
Alright after a few leveling of several characters.. When you re-level its assigning different stats.. Currently on my summoner chara which yes i've got two other mods related to damage but i've been checking the numbers i'm 99% postive it isn't them. When i regain the 314 levels i currently...
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