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    tModLoader Fishing 2.0

    Can the Mecha Fishron mount be given true unlimited flight at least (And be able to still fly up when enabled in the air)
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    Sprites The River (Alternate Underworld)

    This isn't a mod, it's a suggestion.
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    NPCs & Enemies Expert boss trophies

    +1 I like this idea
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    Sprites The Whimsy (Alternate Hallow)

    Someone should take all of Izzabelle's suggestions and make a mod for them until they are most likely added
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    Sprites The River (Alternate Underworld)

    I really hope this gets added. Your suggestions are all amazing by the way.
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    Need to allocate more memory for terraria

    I am using several mods, and as a result the map disappears and the lighting goes into low memory mode, because terraria's allocated space can't handle all my mods. I have a relatively high end computer, and would like to allocate more space for terraria so I can use my map again. Can anyone help?
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    Biomes & Nature Hell in reverse

    Floating meteors? Space (Not sky) related bosses? It would be like the cavern layer to the hell layer
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    Biomes & Nature Hell in reverse

    (Or space) You know how when you dig deep enough, you reach hell? What about, if you build up enough, you reach space. Space should be a completely different biome like hell, with almost all enemies being airborn. There are comets which you can climb on, which are almost entirely made of...
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    Biomes & Nature Alien Invasion

    This sounds fun, but would the dryad label it like the hallow and corruption/crimson
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    PC Looking to buy these items:

    Huh, I got the slime staff early on, lucky me.
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    PC looking for terraria coupon (my sister wants this game)

    $10 USD is noting. Why do you need a discount
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    Other 505 Games

    Sony has no control over the PC, they are not a PC company. And still whined for our PC only stuff, don't forget that.
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    Other 505 Games

    505 games owns console and mobile terraria, and the only way they can operate is by copyright agreements. They are whiny (Got our PC stuff), don't let us update their stuff into our game, and don't let us mod it in either. You guys are fully capable of making console and mobile versions...
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    Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

    I am not saying it's a bad thing, I like this mod. I am just curious.
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    Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

    Starbound released November last year.
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    Weapons & Equip Shortswords for all

    Add things like adamantine/titanium shortswords so shortswords are still relevant.
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    Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

    Oh, I'm just saying that mixing an RPG game with a sandbox game seems like starbound.
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    Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

    Did you get some of the ideas from starbound?
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