I'm wondering.
Once you get TML to work with current version of Terraria will it be like the current way TML is handled on Steam?
Or would we have to download it and use it as we did before?
It's a good pack, no issues found.
Now I didn't leave the folder within the zip file, as I unzipped it into a folder for it within the resource folder in documents.
Also I haven't ran into any issues in crashing upon reloading the game.
Wonder if there is a new way of adding in resource packs into the game now.
Cause before with TML you had to have a zip file named Texture Pack and it'll work, now it doesn't.
I'm having an issue trying to create a new world.
I get this error with Thorium loaded.
I'm at a loss as to what to do to fix this.
Also here is the list of mods I have enabled/loaded in.
Calamity (no music)
Calamity Music
Calamity Extra Music
Calamity Vanilla Buff
Base Mod
Ancients Awakening...
I'm getting a rather odd error when trying to generate a new world.
The mods I have active are:
Calamity{with music add-on}
Elements Awoken
Ancients Awoken
So I'm uncertain if it's the TML 64bit version I'm using or what.
Wonder where the updated version of this is?
It's not on the front page, so if I can't download to update I can't play Terraria modded due to outdated mods that requires the update.
First off sorry for getting back so late.
Second I was going to get the error message that this mod puts out but then noticed that it had an update.
Installed update and it no longer crashes.
So I'm guessing it was the past update did something.
Trying to use this after the update, causes this to crash.
So until it's fixed I can't even continue to play my world, cause I have Laugicality also, and it won't load without this.
I'm uncertain if anyone has brought this up or not but the Sandstone Furnace sells for 2 platinum each.
And with the Alchemist NPC mod it's easy to farm the sandstone furnace to get max stacks of platinum.
Could you lower the sell price on the Sandstone Furnace to be the same as a normal stone one?
I'm wondering and if this has already been asked and provided an answer for I'm sorry in advanve.
But can the CMM[Calamity Music Mod] be used without having to have the main mod installed?
Cause I want to see how the music[if it changes anything in the base game] without having Calamity installed.
After enabling the experimental feature and placing the texture pack zip file in the same folder.
What other bits do you have to do to make the pack to work in-game?
Also it's been 1 year+ since I messed with terraria.
I'd say if you want the spinning wheel to be craftable, I'd say have cost say 20[or so]wood + 5 iron + 150 cobweb + a hard mode only drop.
That is if you want to make an item that is only used for the spinning wheel that is.
But just tossin out a suggestion.
Well I am doing a magic run of this mod, so I was going to go with the magic based weapon any way.
Just need to refight the three again, which won't be hard.
I'm wondering how to either craft or obtain the Emerald Net.
Cause in recipe browser it doesn't show up, nor is it on the wiki page.
Cause the emerald gel stuff is sorta pointless if you can't find the net.
I've already fought and killed the eye, eater, and slime king but still nothing about a...
Have you tried the Recipe Browser mod?
I use that all the time and it shows how to make basically all craft-able stuff from the mod and others.
It's in the Mob Browser so look it up and add it, oh and also you might want to assign it a key so you can open it up.
In your world did you use the blacksmith forge?
Cause if you did I think[I might be wrong on this] that might be the cause of this bug we've been getting.
Cause in my world that was messing up I had that placed down.
So I created a new world an played a small bit in that world...
For one Cob Walls are made via clay blocks at a furnace.
So 1 clay block = 4 cob walls, it's just you can't revert them back.
Onto my issue with this mod.
I've got a world made and played for a few hours and I have some items that this mod adds in, and now I can't even load up that world.
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