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  1. dom1998

    Official Console 1.3 Update Feedback Thread

    Possibly adding a sensitivity slider for when the character isn't in smart mode
  2. dom1998

    Console Corruption or Crimson?

    I prefer corruption as a good early mana weapon is the vile thorn but I like corruption due to the fact you have the vampirek knifes
  3. dom1998

    Console Hello from Pipeworks!

    On the pipe works website it says once you've sorted the coding and fixes for the game you will then start to "implement some of our bigger, long-term plans for the game" can you say what any of these are or are these part of what your keeping the lid on until you have done them
  4. dom1998

    Console Hello from Pipeworks!

    Will console finally get a mini map on screen instead of having to pause the game to look where you are? I only ask because on the hallow comparison it has a mini map Also what do you mean by pc intergrated control style
  5. dom1998

    Console I'm Bored haha any challanges?

    Hollow out the entire world, speed run all bosses with low grade armour, try defeat all mechanical bosses in one night with softcore armour with one end game weapon without any buffs or potions
  6. dom1998

    Console Console 1.3 Release date?

    Yeah it's a joint project
  7. dom1998

    Console Console 1.3 Release date?

    That's true we will just have to hope it comes out this year
  8. dom1998

    Console Console 1.3 Release date?

    Yeah but the 1.3 update was massive and took relogic over a year to make so we will have to wait for the developers of console to port it all over which could take a while and on top of that there's also gonna be a bug fix for the rest of the 1.2.4 content which we just got so I'd say early -...
  9. dom1998

    Console Console 1.3 Release date?

    I highly doubt we will be getting 1.2.3 until next year
  10. dom1998

    3DS Explain Fishing?

    It's a very long grind you have to spend a lot of time fishing and use differents kinds of bait
  11. dom1998

    Xbox One Differences between Xbox One and 360 versions?

    Not that I know of due to the developers wanting cross play
  12. dom1998

    Console Console Update Timing

    Sounds good to me :)
  13. dom1998

    PS3 anyone else experiencing this with the update?

    Have you looked through your audio settings
  14. dom1998

    PS Vita New mining/digging system ?

    We will be getting it in the first quarter of next year As well as everything that we're missing. This link shows all the things missing
  15. dom1998

    Console update

    It is the 1.2.3 + 4 stuff
  16. dom1998

    Console update

    Yesterday and I checked for an update Saturday
  17. dom1998

    Console update

    I just came off terraria (ps4) and it came up saying update available 119mb any clues to what it is because all it says on update history is new content and bug fixes any help will be fine :)
  18. dom1998

    Xbox One Trading/help.

    The Rudolph mount isn't on the game
  19. dom1998

    PS3 Console Bugs and Needed Fixes

    I filed a report
  20. dom1998

    PS3 Console Bugs and Needed Fixes

    I reported it when the update first came out to 505 games bugs, and they said that it would get fixed in the next update due to me not beinga able to get destroyer but every other mask I too spent all night and days on end trying to get it but never could
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