Ok im curious if this bug has been reported or spotted. Im sure it has im just throwing it out there, its a very rare occurrence but when i save and exit sometimes the page where you select you're characters is strange, you cant see the chars, and on the left it shows wierd symbols where the...
That's terrifying lol. Im so glad i kept my bank and safe on my character, i kept all my wings and best items in it along with any very hard to find equips. The update is really wuite fun tho. Although i made a mediumcore character for my expert world & its so brutal dropping every item on death lol
I appreciate the replys on my question the other day but i still cant seem to figure it out. Can someone be a little more specific...it says dpad hotbar and dpad snap. How do i bring up the dpad hotbar or snap? And how do i assign things to the dpad. Clicking down or left just moves through the...
Gotta say the update is running smooth, seems to be that way for alot of people. Started a new char on expert mode. Completely fresh,no items from legacy worlds and i love it. Its like im playing it for the first time again. Everythings taking some getting used too, just mean the ui and the...
I have to agree with you there, it does increase the dissapointment. Lets just hope its here by the end of the week. If anyone has the opportunity , that new monster hunter world is really fun, just in the meantime :p
Just a thought about updates still popping up, isnt it possible these updates for fortnite or minecraft were sent in way ahead of time? If it still has to have the magic button pressed by the developer, couldnt they just be sitting on an update until they feel its the best time to release it...
Im not saying they purposely went out of their way to screw xbox, it doesnt matter who got screwed, people did, and those people are aloud to be mad. Ps4 or xbox, and honestly i think thats what really rubbed everyone the wrong way. "Its out of our control". When you :red: up, the best thing to...
Please dont twist my words to make you're point clearer, i never said it was xbox players being targeted. It's people who are expressing discontenr with pipeworks. The people who call them :red:s and the like, thats not who i was referring to. Obviously that isnt necessary, the person who says...
I truely dont understand what the goal of that message is, his statement isnt false...but it really depends on how you look @ it. Did pipeworks come right out and say its microsofts fault? No. But they did have people believe that it was "out of their hands" when they knew the update was being...
That is entirely false. Xbox didnt get sent in for almost a week after ps4's did, it was the week they were going on holiday, so it was horrible timing and both should have been sent in alongside eachother. I will admit it worked out for the best, although i was seriously pissed about the delay...
Im curious about the castle bridges, its neat to see other peoples builds. Ill add you in a little bit. I can fit myself accordingly, i usually have a Comunnity chest based on levels so no one has to worry about being outgunned, but i dont play with that many people unfortunately. You know thats...
Not sure what t mec means but im always down for some group fun! Especially pvp, the only time i play it is when my lil bro plays and he actually plays on ps4 /PC when he actually does play so im usually solo dolo. It'd fun to get people together for a capture the gem even. If you want to play...
@JellyMantis isnt the fact he's referring to the game as garbage his opinion in his own right? In fact it probably will be garbage, my opinion. I think you guys are getting the lines a bit blurred . back to whats relevant, i do hope its here by tomorrow . i am curious about something , i could...
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