I can understand this, but we do have other items in the game that light up the area that the player is in light the Mining Helmet, which was what I was trying to replicate
Was thinking about this and was wondering why the ammo slots in the player's inventory can't rotate wouldn't this make some things so much easier
And on this point at the moment you can put the following in the slots
Ammo, wire, bait, and solutions
So could paint work with this too?
And food...
So I feel that the Stylist doesn't have a lot to sell, more like she gets a little forgotten which is far if you don't have your players hair showing, so I'm come up with a few new things for her
Most of the following will have effects that work even if the hair is covered
Flower power hair...
I like the idea of fruit trees and that they spawn like the Sakura Sapling and Yellow Willow Sapling so couldn't they also be brought from the the Zoologist at the same time then the Bestiary has been filled to at least 30%. Though with the fruit as they all, bar the hallow, give the same buff...
So I keep looking at this and we are missing gold versions of the following critters
Duck - Grebe
Grubby - Buggy - Sluggy
Macaw - Cockatiel
I feel that we are also missing a gem version for the goldfish as these spawn in...
So I'm now in a Christmas spirit and on that here are some Christmas/winter themed ideas
Hanging socking - whether this with be like a wall hanging or something that could be attacked to the fire place - added to the presents
Snowman suit - just a vanity - dropped by the frost Legion (more...
Just some updates that I thought of, both new and updates
Gold potion - doubles the chance of golden critters from 1/400 to 1/200 - 1 Bottled Water + 5 Gold Dust + 1 Ladybug + 1 Fireblossom
Find it potion - only highlights ores and gems in the potion - 1 Spelunker Potion + 5 gem or ore...
Perhaps then the anvils and Tinkerer's Workshop would have to be exempt, or make an option only in end game so instead of the Crystal Ball it needs the Ancient Manipulator
So just an idea to give all Crafting stations the same 1/3 (33.33%) chance of not consuming any particular crafting ingredient as the Alchemy Table by giving them all the enchanted option.
To enchant a crafting station you need the station and one pink pearl at the Crystal Ball, works on the...
So was farming ladybirds, in the celebration seed upon collecting 200 got attached by King Slime, no other triggers which then processed to kill the ladybirds. Though only happened at 200 as I carried on collecting to 410
Thank you for the feed back, still would want critter catching minion.
I like the idea of the summoner healing through being a summoner so I have changed this slightly, in place of minions that just take up a summon slot how about whips that have a healing buff as part of their summon tag...
I've seen some ideas on this and I would like to add in a few of my own, they may need a little balancing
1st Healing - Healing Gift
I know that one everyone first poses but we don't have a way of healing a summoner without potions yet, though I hope that I found a way to balance this somewhat...
So was thinking about this a bit and in a normal run you only have an option of 5 light pets with only one of them being very bright. A farther 5 if you add in both world evils expert and master mode, but again the highest brightness of 120% only on three which feels a little limiting so I have...
Think that might be a little to messy, not sure. Though I have had a similar thought of adding a recipe to the Spelunker Potion where to mix it with the ore or gem you are seeking so only that ore/gem is highlighted. Though that might mean a lot more sprites
Hoping I'm not the only person that likes the look of the echo mist or lighting in the mini Graveyard so was wondering whether others would like the following two idea's purely Decorative effects
Mist Machine - bought from the party girl when in the Graveyard, makes a mist like the echo mish...
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