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  1. Nicol Bolas

    Did 1.4.1 "fix" happiness?

    I think I've made it clear in prior posts from months ago that I think the only "fix" for happiness is to remove it from the game. But ignoring that, the question is this: did 1.4.1 reduce the most annoying aspects of happiness? I don't have the actual numbers in front of me, so I can't know...
  2. Nicol Bolas

    Rebuilding an infected Desert in Hardmode

    So, upon entering Hardmode, my Oasis-bearing desert was consumed by the Crimson. The underground-bearing desert was partially touched by the Hallow, so I just went ahead and infected the top of it, since it would happen anyway (also, the Dao of Pow is awesome and cheap, and the strip of Hallow...
  3. Nicol Bolas

    Pleasantly-surprising Journey's End items/enemies/etc

    Everyone talks about the big, significant features of Journey's End. But we don't hear about the smaller ones, things that are unexpected but enjoyable. So let's have a place to talk about them. Here are my interesting discoveries thus far: Inner Tubes: It doesn't sound like much; you just get...
  4. Nicol Bolas

    Has Journey's End shifted Terraria too far into removing player freedom?

    There is a broad narrative going around the community about JE. Specifically, the coherent version of it seems to go something like this. Various mechanics added to the game force the player to play along certain lines/remove things that players could use to express themselves in the gameplay...
  5. Nicol Bolas

    **REPORTED** JE NPC Happiness seems bugged/backwards

    NPCs have disliked neighbors and hated neighbors. However, it seems that being around a disliked neighbor causes more unhappiness than being around a hated neighbor, while liked vs. loved seems to make a lot more sense. That sounds like a bug, where some numbers just got swapped.
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