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  1. Mug Not Found

    I'm back, Ask Me Anything...

    I don't have a huge amount of time so I'll make this quick. I'll get a post out explaining my disappearance likely within the next few days, so if you want to ask something about that it would be smart to wait. If you care, as unceremonious as it may be, you guys deserve to know. If you're...
  2. Mug Not Found

    Glowing Coral Reef

    I've never really tried a water build before, let alone something this utterly insane, but I don't think it turned out that bad, at least for one of my first builds in a while.
  3. Mug Not Found

    Portfolio/Multi-Topic Might as well give some suggestions while 1.4.4 is still in developement.

    I thought I might share some smaller quality of life changes and additions which would really help terraria, at least while we're still getting updates. 1. A problem I've always had problem with only being limited with one type of arrow and one type of bullet for multiple different guns and...
  4. Mug Not Found

    Items Flintlock Pistol "Rework"

    The way it is now the Flintlock Pistol isn't usable, by the time you have it you get it you either have the Boomstick/Undertaker/Musket which all fair far better in combat compared, I think it should stay this way too (for the most part) because the Flintlock isn't supposed to be this strong...
  5. Mug Not Found

    Game Mechanics Pillar Weapons Endgame Balance

    I doubt I'm the first to think that having 8 different weapons (or 6 if we're not counting stardust weapons) with fun and interesting properties only be useful for this very short period of the game is kind of annoying. I think it's fair to say that the lunar events weapons get outclassed very...
  6. Mug Not Found

    Other Art Made some White Ladies with my mother.

    My Mother made me some characters form Hollow Knight for my Christmas present last year so I decided I'd help her make some White Ladies, I'd love some feedback, this is my first time doing something like this. Have a reddit link.
  7. Mug Not Found

    Game Mechanics Usable Boss Relics

    I've got an idea for boss relics that I want to flesh out but I'll try and keep this short and to the point, maybe giving some more infomation tomorrow when I'm not so tired. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that since master mode is so bare bones I'm to keep this suggestion closer to expert modes...
  8. Mug Not Found

    PC Lightning aura rod (and possibly other summons) using non summon damage.

    Was doing the old ones army event and discovered that when I switched to my melee weapons (which had damage and armour piercing buffs) the damage on my lightning aura went from 4-5 to up to 10, when I switched back to my old ones army summons it went back to 4-5 damage. I'm unsure how this...
  9. Mug Not Found

    Ask an Extraterrestrial Mug anything

    I'm making this thread because Derpling Ω, Dragonfirestaken and Storm Diver all have 30+ pages of replies on the first page of the ama section as of writing this,(How on earth do you even get that many replies!) Being the mad space alien gamer mug I am I see this as a challenge. Ask a many...
  10. Mug Not Found

    WIP I've been working on an underground base, any advice?

    I'm deciding to post a small part of the build I've been working on to tease it a little and give an idea of what the final build will look like (will update the thread with with a new image every now and then until it's finished.). I'm still learning so any advice or criticism would be greatly...
  11. Mug Not Found

    Hello, lockdown made me bored enough to join this community.

    Not played to much for the last 6-8 months, so I decided to join the community and relight my love for the game. Posting this here to because I don't know my way round here.
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