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  1. New Pine Gamer

    Terraria sprites with dark colours.

    I want to create a sprite that uses black and more that use really dark colours. What do I do with the outline.
  2. New Pine Gamer

    Story Corruptius: A world lost...

    And so it begins! The great adventures of Rinnard and Opari as documented by Askimov. See as they wage war on the plague known only as the corruption and rebuild society...
  3. New Pine Gamer

    Pixel Art Supercoolpro102's Pixel Art Thread

    Akimov's greatest works yet! This is where i'll post some horrible pixel art! So look away before you get blinded!!! Basic Stuff!!! More Coming soon! Requests are open! Please give credit if you use my sprite in a mod or texture pack or something. Why you would I don't know...
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