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  1. Arlwiss

    Switch So I'm almost done with my classic single player world, what should I do next?

    Purify the world, get into making teleporter hubs and railways, build the NPCs more glorious houses... Or if you want to try out a new world, but something a bit different, maybe try out the constant's world seed - Secret world seeds - The Official Terraria Wiki
  2. Arlwiss


  3. Arlwiss

    I'm back.

    I'm back.
  4. Arlwiss

    I'm back. But not fully.

    I'm back. But not fully.
  5. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    With regret I must admit my defeat, Mihn, and I'm sorry. I couldn't find a dye that kept the golden contours - one of the defining qualities of Zeno imo. The best armour to me for him was the Palladium armour, but I'm supposing that if you need him for a pic you could have him wear the set...
  6. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    Oh damn, this one's gonna be hard. I'm away from my game, so I'll be able to get to trying combinations on Wednesday, but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for bringing me detailed requests!
  7. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    Well, the sword is kinda weird with that double blade, and to me the closest, and only, acceptable lookalike in-game is the Brand of the Inferno. Only it's red and not cyan.
  8. Arlwiss

    Sundance Wolf's Terraria Creations This is the page. Read carefully through the Settings section as it goes into detail on how image packing messes with the image, and what to do to get a 1:1 image replica n such. Good luck in your builds!
  9. Arlwiss

    Creating a server is hard o.o

    Creating a server is hard o.o
  10. Arlwiss

    A helper got me inside the spawn tree at Aurora :D. I wish I had my avatar to take the pic with...

    A helper got me inside the spawn tree at Aurora :D. I wish I had my avatar to take the pic with but instead it's a request character. Still!
  11. Arlwiss

    You can find the guides in the official wiki,, or here on the forums -...

    You can find the guides in the official wiki,, or here on the forums - there is a whole subforum dedicated to guides on everything in the game, especially bosses. Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your time here!
  12. Arlwiss

    Sundance Wolf's Terraria Creations

    Your creations are wonderful and I simply must tell you: the camera mode cam capture a larger area than your screen can show. If you open the map while in camera mode, you can select the points and it will capture that area outside the map. I think there is also a way to capture the map but the...
  13. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    The tail wasn't in your pic but, well, the Space Creature shirt was the best, and pretty much only ribcage showing chest I could use [/SPOILER]
  14. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    Yeah I think I can do that. Hopefully by tomorrow evening.
  15. Arlwiss

    I'll miss TotalBiscuit.

    I'll miss TotalBiscuit.
  16. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    You're welcome! Oh, now this is interesting! I haven't ventured into Northern American mythology, and I rarely encounter cannibalistic creatures. Just to be clear, I checked Wikipedia and there are a couple of versions of the wendigo, so which one is it you want? As per Johnston's description...
  17. Arlwiss

    Vanity requests as of 23-5-2018 complete! Feels good man.

    Vanity requests as of 23-5-2018 complete! Feels good man.
  18. Arlwiss

    Arlwiss' Vanity Atelier

    You tempted me and now I'll have to watch this anime "P [/SPOILER]
  19. Arlwiss

    Tenthy's Creations

    The download link is dead and here I was hoping to end this day on a high note
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