Terraria: Otherworld Terraria Otherworld: Bringing You Up to Speed

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Staff member
Good day, Terrarians!

We hope that everyone has had an amazing time with the most recent updates across the board. On our end, we just finished our first official Re-Logic in-person meeting and we are more excited than ever for the future of Terraria and our company!

On that front, we would like to give each of you a long-overdue update on a project that so many of you have asked about over the past several months - Terraria: Otherworld.

TOW Transparent Logo Small.png

When last we checked in on Otherworld, we let everyone know that the project was not ready, that we weren't going to sacrifice our standards for deadlines, and shared some sweet spoilers of the Crimson biome. Since then, we have been mostly quiet on the project. That silence ends today - we are going to share what's going on, why, and where we are heading.


So, what happened?
To keep it short and simple, at the beginning of this year, we undertook a full in-depth review of the project versus our standards, expectations, and vision for the game. It was pretty clear to us at the time that Otherworld needed quite a bit of work - and even a good bit of rework - in a number of areas in order to hit that mark.

We then spent some time in detailed discussion among ourselves and also with Engine Software in regards to how best to get things to where they need to be. We then made a list of requested reforms and changes and such. As a part of this, the project team at Engine now has a new lead designer and art lead along with other changes made to better align to our vision for the game. On top of that, our two teams have laid out clearly what needs to be done and are pushing forward executing towards that roadmap to deliver the game we expect - and our fans deserve - as soon as possible.

Of course, we have to stress that our philosophy of the game being ready "when it's ready" will not be compromised here. We feel it's our promise to each of you and we will stick to it.


Where do things stand?
We are reworking a number of elements to bring more "Terraria-ness" to Otherworld as well as to really make the things that make the game different stand out in fun and engaging ways.

Want an example? Well, we felt the dynamics of the purity vs corruption did not feel "big" or "dangerous" enough....so that has been aesthetically redone (as just one small piece of that revamp) - check out the below for a taste (as well as few other new aesthetic touches):


We have also been focusing on revamping other biomes - to make them feel more diverse and deep - as well as putting a lot of work into the Weapon Leveling system:


Other examples of ongoing work include across-the-board tweaks to armors and gear, a complete overhaul of the AI (especially around making the tower defense elements deep and challenging), fleshing out the story, and much, much more.


So, what's next?
We will work hand in hand with Engine to keep up the momentum on the work and rework in the weeks and months to come. We are confident in this new approach - but rest assured that we will remain closely involved and will make sure that Terraria: Otherworld gets finished in a way that will be worthy of the Terraria name.

We don't have a date to give you - our focus is on getting the game done right first and foremost. That said, expect it to be a while still - there is a lot of work to get done and done right. As we know more, we will share it - so expect a return of spoilers (though maybe not every few days as before ;) ).


Again, our apologies for the really long radio silence here - but we wanted to be sure that we had things squared away and a plan in place before we shared it with you. We are sure you will have tons of questions - so fire away!

Thanks as always for your massive support of our company and games - it's because of that and you that we continue to strive to develop exciting new games and fresh content. We look forward to delivering on that with Terraria: Otherworld!
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So since we are allowed to ask questions. I see that there is no tower in the first screenshot, but instead the pillar from the quests screenshot. I'm guessing that the pillar is the "Starting Tower"?
Im verry happy to see that ToW still looks amazing. I was wondering if there will be any expert mode,or even aditional story in expert mode.
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