I thought this was Terraria, and I could play it like Terraria, but apparently being forced to play like Dungeon Defenders is the only "Allowed" way to play, ie, can't build traps or pits to control enemy waves, can't protect it by surrounding it with structures, must be on plain, flat land at ALL times ("The crystal pops right out. The barkeep mentioned it has to be on a flat, open area.")... Can't actually play it like you were playing TERRARIA! Whoever came up with this update might be surprised to realize some of us use pits and traps in Terraria!
First-wave mobs swarm so damn fast with nothing more than a single DD-style and Terraria-style turret to guard it, none of the drops remain after defeat, medals don't drop after completing a wave (when are they supposed to drop?)... and no official instructions or guides to using the stuff or setting it up?