1.3.6 Preview: Block Swap

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Finally. But will this feature work with modded blocks and chests and will the modded items in the chests crash terraria or something if it is swapped over?
Is there gonna be a screen safe area slider, to stop your inventory, hearts, mana and everything else from going of the edge of the screen, that would be neat
This is must be a huge update....what is taking so long. It has only been teased for a year and a half.
1.3.6 is also planning as the base for "secret Terraria plans", as in like 1.4 (Creative Mode). Just be patient, we waited a while for, so wait for 1.3.6 and we will soon have something new to play with :D
Wow! I love building stuff. On my multiplayer server I generally build stuff while others collect stuff.
This will be sooo useful. I generally build and break down constructions dozens of times before I'm satisfied with how it looks.

The only thing we need now is being able to select and move a selected area. Many times I have built a bunch of stuff, and then realize I would have liked it to be 1 block to the left or something like that. That can take hours to satisfy my OCD.
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