NPCs & Enemies [1.3] Crawltepede's Spawn rate should be lowered.

Do you agree? Should Crawltepede's Spawn rate Decrease?

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As 1.3 released millions of fans Raved and played Terraria hours on end. I was one of those people and I cant say I was not pleased. Started a new world to explore the new 1.3 update and found loads of new cool items, mechanics and had an absolute blast. Yet when I reached the Celestial event I blew past 3 of them, and having my Godly Flairon in my hand, I set off my house to kill the final Pillar. The Solar pillar. This pillar was unique, however and I had such a hard time to kill one enemy, the Crawltipede. At first it was hard because it was so new and killed me a lot. But when I found its weak spot it was relatively easy. Now the Event is cool and all but I have but one thing to ask. Make Crawltipede's spawn rate lower. When ever I kill one, there is always one shortly after. This made me mad because I had to focus on dodging that, and not killing enemies at the event. Crawltipede is also really fast and that the only way to avoid it is to strafe (at least that's what I do) and when it does attack you, it has insane damage, 150 on its head 100 on body and 50 on its tail. Although this is just the raw damage I think this enemy should be more rare, like a Wyvern. Although this is just a sugestion, a Game suggestion!
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For certain, I can only imagine how ludicrous they would be in expert mode (all enemies deal double damage and have double health in expert mode).
For certain, I can only imagine how ludicrous they would be in expert mode (all enemies deal double damage and have double health in expert mode).

fun fact: they are even faster in expert mode. even SO fast you can't outfly/run them. also 4 shots you in mage armor @500hp (takes about 5sec)
that forces you to wear melee armor just so you can suvive long enough to kill a few enemys.
As 1.3 released millions of fans Raved and played Terraria hours on end. I was one of those people and I cant say I was not pleased. Started a new world to explore the new 1.3 update and found loads of new cool items, mechanics and had an absolute blast. Yet when I reached the Celestial event I blew past 3 of them, and having my Godly Flairon in my hand, I set off my house to kill the final Pillar. The Solar pillar. This pillar was unique, however and I had such a hard time to kill one enemy, the Crawltipede. At first it was hard because it was so new and killed me a lot. But when I found its weak spot it was relatively easy. Now the Event is cool and all but I have but one thing to ask. Make Crawltipede's spawn rate lower. When ever I kill one, there is always one shortly after. This made me mad because I had to focus on dodging that, and not killing enemies at the event. Crawltipede is also really fast and that the only way to avoid it is to strafe (at least that's what I do) and when it does attack you, it has insane damage, 150 on its head 100 on body and 50 on its tail. Although this is just the raw damage I think this enemy should be more rare, like a Wyvern. Although this is just a sugestion, a Game suggestion!
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There is no need 2 decrease the crawltepede's spawn rate :P
It wont target you if u stay on the ground and the end of its tail is its weak spot
There is no need 2 decrease the crawltepede's spawn rate :p
It wont target you if u stay on the ground and the end of its tail is its weak spot
Key words: Stay on the ground. Considering the other enemies spawned by the same pillar, it doesn´t exactly seem easy to do.
Nope, they need a nerf. They most definitely need a nerf. With 3 other friends, these things tear through groups and make you lose your mobility, and worse is that for their spawn-rate, they are most definitely the strongest for their tier, spawn-rate, HP, speed, and damage. And in multiplayer they get the worst 2-4 player combos.
They're easy to defeat. Use Daybreak and Beetle Armor, full warding accessories and mobility enhancers. I never saw them hitting me for 150 in normal, and outrunning them isn't impossible, even in Expert, with the right gear.

There's no need to nerf their spawn rate.
They're easy to defeat. Use Daybreak and Beetle Armor, full warding accessories and mobility enhancers. I never saw them hitting me for 150 in normal, and outrunning them isn't impossible, even in Expert, with the right gear.

There's no need to nerf their spawn rate.
That's the problem. They punish non-melee users too heavily. There should never be anything in a game that makes one playstyle more valid than the other. But in this? Melee has the best weapons and the best armor and without using them, the fights are incredibly unforgiving. I want to play a Summoner, but in this version, I have to be summoner, using Solar Eruption, Daybreak, and Solar Armor. See the problem and how I can't be a 'true' Summoner. The Solar weapons/armor are the best (flat-out) and the Crawltipede is a difficult mob, that does not mean I am forced to use Solar Armor. Just try fighting them as a Mage/Summoner with 3 other friends and then call them balanced.
You can beat the pillars and their spawns with other, weaker armors, with enough skill. Sorry if I offered a solution to your problem that's already in game, tho. Won't happen again. Nerfing is the only way to solve things, Red forbid one has to adapt or *cringe* train...
You can beat the pillars and their spawns with other, weaker armors, with enough skill. Sorry if I offered a solution to your problem that's already in game, tho. Won't happen again. Nerfing is the only way to solve things, Red forbid one has to adapt or *cringe* train...

It's not a matter of training, I've already beaten Expert Mode, it's that, you need to fly away from Corites, which then aggros Crawltipedes, which then chain you and your friends and kill 1/2 of your party because you're playing as a Mage or a Summoner. While yes, you can outrun them, it's awkward when projectiles, Crawltepedes, Corites, Selenians, Srollers, Drakanians, and Drakomires all take a huge chunk of your HP and to avoid the Corites, Selenians, Srollers, Drakanians, and Drakomires, one needs to fly, which then aggros Crawltipedes. If I (as a summoner) don't fly, I die in seconds, if I fly, I still die in seconds. Players shouldn't be punished for having extra mobility.

No game is fun without a challenge. :merchanttongue:
Yes, I'm sure that's what they thought when making Dark Souls.
The difference is being beatable, and shoe-horning in a poorly balanced enemy that requires you to play a specific class.

it should'nt
Please refrain from one sentence responses. Shouldn't what?
It took me 24 tries to destroy the Solar Tower because of these guys. If I stayed on the ground, I'd get mauled to death lel
The largest problems is that the Crawltepede is too common. Make them more like a rare enemy, that way, when one DOES come, you can wreck them. You can pray to RNGesus to make Crawltepedes not appear, but RNGesus might have too LITTLE in the dice, so it is always Crawltepede. Srollers make your health bars vanish, EVEN IN EXPERT MODE>

Overall, you shouldn't need Melee JUST to get through the Solar Pillar.

That, or making armor that increases max health (or gives you Well Fed all the time. :P)
having played on expert i can tell that they do a lot of damage (200+) but since they only chase you when you are flying (to be more precise they only start chasing you 2-3 seconds after you go more than 5-6tiles away from any solid block) if you arent flying when they spawn they will simply head right for the top of the screen and remain offscreen most of the time never attacking you, in that state the worst they can do is monopolize the attention of your minions but on the other hand if you're playing as a caster with spectre hood those guys are just huge healing stations since they take around 10 times normal damage and if thats not enough you can build a skybridge of some sort to keep most of the annoying enemies on the ground while all you have to do will be dodging the flying balls that try to charge at you

tl;dr dont nerf, get gud
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