Standalone [1.3] tModLoader - A Modding API


hi this is kyler again, um I ran into some trouble getting this mod to load in can someone please tell me why, thank you :guidesmile:
Okay, I made the mistake of not making an extra Terraria file to play normal Terraria in case I wanted to join servers because I got kicked instantly due to having tmodloader (I was hoping having all the mods deactivated would work but no). How would I duplicate Terraria, but without the tmodloader?
Quick question. Is it actually possible to lose any of your worlds or characters by downloading any update?

I don't honestly really know why i'm that worried about losing my stuff :merchantindifferent:
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does anyone know how i could put the breathing rod effect on a chest plate?

This should work fine, just put it in the class of your chestplate

public override void UpdateArmorSet(Player player)
player.breathMax = enter breath value here;
Okay, I made the mistake of not making an extra Terraria file to play normal Terraria in case I wanted to join servers because I got kicked instantly due to having tmodloader (I was hoping having all the mods deactivated would work but no). How would I duplicate Terraria, but without the tmodloader?
You can use steam to "verify game integrity" to get the vanilla exe back. Google it.
View attachment 205105

hi this is kyler again, um I ran into some trouble getting this mod to load in can someone please tell me why, thank you :guidesmile:
there are a bit of issues with this code, for example with the item price you put (gold: 1) that is invalid and will produce an error, the correct way to do it is
item.value = int;
the value must be an integer. For example a value of 10000 should set the value to 1 gold
the second problem is
what it is meant to be is
the reason why it didn't work is because of the fact that 'setResult' is the output of what you want crafted. You also forgot curly brackets to close the namespace, class and Addrecipes.
Does anyone know what cause a bug were dropped items float? this is really annoying since my conveyor belts become useless when farming :dryadsigh:
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I haven't been here in a while, have they fixed the armor stand bug yet? Or was that a mod side bug. I havent been here in a while so I can't remeber.
Anybody got any ideas?

here are the logs:
Bad JSON: Query failed: Column 'ip' cannot be null
at Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIModBrowser.PopulateFromJSON(LocalMod[] installedMods, String json)

Inner Exception:
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: Q. Path '', line 0, position 0.
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read()
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json, JsonLoadSettings settings)
at Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIModBrowser.PopulateFromJSON(LocalMod[] installedMods, String json)
Hello! Every since I got update v0.10.1.5 I removed all my mods for a new playtrough. Soon after installing v0.10.1.5, I cannot get past the Finding Mods section! I don't have any mods installed and when it happens the game freezes and says Terraria has stopped working. If you need a picture I will add one.

I have problem running mods. I don't have sound card because it just died... When i try to run mods this issue happens... Normal Terraria works just fine. Is there anything i can do besides getting new sound card?
Sound problems.png
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