Standalone [] Gamemode Unlocked Server


Staff member
Hey everyone! This is a simple mod for the Terraria Server that lets Journey Mode and Non-Journey Mode players join non-Journey Mode and Journey Mod worlds at the same time.

Usage is pretty simple - just download the attached zip file, extract it and then use it as you would normally use the vanilla Terraria server!

Thanks to ReLogic for their permission to let me share this, and to the tModloader team for their excellent decompilation tools.
Thanks to @Khaios for commissioning this mod!


    4.9 MB · Views: 614
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That's quite extraordinary! How are the difficulty sliders handled? Does it just sync a Journey's Mode slider to the server and then updates all the other clients? (sorry haven't tested)
This looks interesting, but I don't know if is going to be fair.
Literally you have creative and non creative mode players running on the server, being that one group can be immortal
and dupe items, while the other can't.
This looks interesting, but I don't know if is going to be fair.
Literally you have creative and non creative mode players running on the server, being that one group can be immortal
and dupe items, while the other can't.
This isn't really intended for a fair playthrough - it's more just to allow people the freedom to do what they like, for example do some JM builds in their normal worlds, or do other special gamemodes etc.
Could you update this mod please, you don't have to if you don't want to.
I plan to once I get a moment to :guidesmile:

EDIT: It looks like it's not currently possible to build a server executable with the tML dev tools I use. Hopefully once this is updated I should be good to get this working again.
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