Game Mechanics (1.4.4 QoL) Modify Accessory Modifiers

Barring a few niche applications, damage modifiers (Menacing, etc.) are the go-to reforges for all accessories.

As such, I'd like to propose a few changes that would bring the other accessory modifiers up to snuff:
  1. Have defensive modifiers boost damage reduction for late-game viability:
    • Hard = +1 armor, +1% damage reduction
    • Guarding = +2 armor, +2% damage reduction
    • Armored = +3 armor, +3% damage reduction
    • Warding = +4 armor, +4% damage reduction
  2. Have movement modifiers boost jump speed to enhance vertical movement (jumping/flight):
    • Brisk = +1% movement speed, +1% jump speed
    • Fleeting = +2% movement speed, +2% jump speed
    • Hasty = +3% movement speed, +3% jump speed
    • Quick = +4% movement speed, +4% jump speed
  3. Change magic modifiers to grant mana use reduction and regeneration, and expand to four levels:
    • Arcane = +1% mana efficiency, +1% mana regen
    • (???) = +2% mana efficiency, +2% mana regen
    • (???) = +3% mana efficiency, +3% mana regen
    • (???) = +4% mana efficiency, +4% mana regen
Might also be nice to change melee speed boosts to increase attack speed for ALL weapon types and add two crit boost modifiers for +1% and +3%, but I'm fairly indifferent to those.
Might also be nice to change melee speed boosts to increase attack speed for ALL weapon types and add two crit boost modifiers for +1% and +3%, but I'm fairly indifferent to those.
OH MY GOD YES! it's so annoying to get Violent on a mage character (or a 1.3 summoner... that's been a running gag with one of my modded characters for a while now, getting Violent on her accessories when she uses basically no melee weapons)
Barring a few niche applications, damage modifiers (Menacing, etc.) are the go-to reforges for all accessories.

Actually, I almost constantly use warding for nearly everything, and only use menacing for when I'm trying to maximize damage output.

  1. Change magic modifiers to grant mana use reduction and regeneration, and expand to four levels:
    • Arcane = +1% mana efficiency, +1% mana regen
    • (???) = +2% mana efficiency, +2% mana regen
    • (???) = +3% mana efficiency, +3% mana regen
    • (???) = +4% mana efficiency, +4% mana regen

Possible names for these could be magical (2%), eidolic (3%), and crystalized (4%)
There should be modifiers for +40, +60 and +80 max mana and the max mana cap of 400 needs to be removed or the cap set to 500 or 600
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