Rococo will no longer mention Alex when he's not in the world.
You can no longer use potions when knocked out.
A number of dialogue fixes.
Knocked out companions will now be drawn in front of other companions, but wont be drawn in front of your character.
Leopold's hopping animation will no longer happen when knocked out or dead.
His hopping jump animation will now only play when dashing.
New Request System is in:
System completelly restructured.
Requests will be disponible after the cooldown ends, regardless of how many requests you have ready to pick.
There is no cooldown of life for the request available, so you can just keep It on hold until you want to check It out.
You need to talk to the companion having the request to get a brief description about It, then you can pick If you want to accept or reject It.
If you have less than 3 requests active, you will get the request from the companion, and then the timer for you to do It will start running. The time is the same as in the old system, so you have plenty of time to complete It.
When you reject, the request is erased and enters in cooldown. When the cooldown timer ends, a new request is set available for you.
There is 1 in 3 chances of you getting a Talk request from the companion, so you just need to speak with It to hear what It has to say, and get a generous reward.
You will be getting common requests at first, but after completting 3 common requests, the companion may give you a special request:
The Special Request wont repeat unless you've completed all the requests possible at the moment for the companion.
Those requests are very personal for the companion, so It will be tied to them, and possibly have some extra lore about them.
Some companions may not have yet special requests, so you will still receive common or talk requests.
Talk request can appear when this request should appear, but will not reset the counter of requests completed.
Completting the special request will set the request counter to 0, so you need to do 3 more requests to get the next request.
Each request now has It's own reward value, aswell as the objectives also helps filling the reward value of the request.
I will explain the new reward system bellow.
You can also check the request information of companions following you, aswell as accept/reject them through the request tab.
To check the request of the companion, you need to have It selected on the tabs when checking the request tab.
Companions in the team that have requests will tell you If they have a request for you.
This system is still in testing state, so there may be bugs.
New Reward system is in:
Companions will now award you item rewards based on a score.
All companions have a fixed number of rewards that may be given based on score.
Each companion is going to have their own special rewards for completting their requests.
Some rewards will be given if you give the companions tools.
You don't need to keep those items on the first row of the inventory.
Fishing rewards will only have the chance to come, if you give them baits too.
Like the old system, if there is remaining score, you will gain coins as reward.
You can no longer give orders while knocked out.
Knocked out companions will now teleport to your position after your character respawns.
Face accessories are no longer displayed when the companion is sleeping, using a throne or knocked out.
Brutus got a hair change.
Companions will no longer be reluctant about using heavy melee weapons when the player is mounting on them.
Having a Titan sized guardian will no longer make monsters and bosses stronger.
Nerfed Titan guardians status.
Now instead of 3 times their health, they will only get 80% more health.
Instead of 30% defense bonus, they only get 20%.
They no longer gain defense rate bonus.
Instead of their melee attack getting 30% faster, It gets 20% slower.
They now gain 10% move speed bonus.
They get 300 aggro.
Fixed a crash in the old order hud, which would happen when It tried to draw the head of Terrarian companions.
Nerfed the maximum number of Honeyfins Vladimir may ask you.
Removed information that tells you that companions who can sell your items needs a teleportation item in the inventory, because that's false since a number of updates ago.
Friendship Ranking now starts as 0 for everyone.
You will require 2 friendship levels on companions to reach rank 1.
Everyone will see the effect of this, by having the character lose 2 friendship exp. That may cause your character to lose a friendship rank, but you can get It back.
Changed Blue's recruitment script, so It now has more into It than a startle.
Also removed the requirement of killing the Eye of Cthulhu for her to begin spawning.
You no longer need to beat Queen Bee to have Vladimir show up.
You most likelly will end up spawning her when trying to fulfill his request, anyway.
You no longer need to have beaten Eye of Cthulhu to have the chance of Rococo showing up.
Also updated the recruitment tip from the Dryad.
Companions that teleports from higher places to revive someone will no longer get fall damage.
Added Leopold's two handed weapon swing animation.
Several fixes on custom mod companions system.
Added Companion Groups system.
You assign a string ID to It, the game will locate the group, then get It's name, and If the companion is a custom sprite companion, and If It is recognized as TerraGuardian.
A lot better for sorting out your companions If you want.
Changed the "Is TerraGuardian" icon on the Guardian Selection Interface.
Instead of saying if It's a Terrarian or a TerraGuardian, It will tell if the companion is a Ether Realm Creature, or a Terra Creature.
The difference affects Ether Heart and Fruit.
Sending your companion to sell your items, without It having a magic mirror, and also mounted on your mount, will no longer cause the companion to take you with It unless you dismount.