Starter guardians are now free from Call level restriction.
It's now easier to get the guardian exclusive acessories from bounty quests.
The mod will now check if the guardian was met when you talk to it, if not, will add it to the list of guardians met in the world.
Mabel's body got changed.
Added compatibility to NExperience Mod's status capper, If It is turned on.
Life Drain staff health regen buff will now affect your guardian.
Reduced the fall damage distance tolerance from TerraGuardians. By default, It's now 25 (Terrarian default) blocks, instead of 35.
Guardians will no longer automatically use Life Crystals, Mana Crystals, Life Fruits and their variants.
There is now an order to tell them to make use of those.
It is no longer guaranted that you will get food from Guardian requests.
Magic Carpet now works as a kind of vanity gear for TerraGuardians, they will be shown on their feet when either equipped, or on one of the first inventory slots.
Not only guardians can use umbrellas on their off hand, but also will receive the fall speed reduction when using it when falling.
You can no longer recruit Bree again, after you've already recruited her with your character.
Off-hand items are now scaled with the guardian.
Changed how the mod checks the sitting on mount position of the guardian.
The mod will no longer over parse guardian messages.
Zacks now needs friendship level 2 or above to be called.
This change is tied to his backstory.
Nemesis and Alex friendship level requirement changed to 0 and above.
Is this patch note part necessary?
Mabel gained birthday messages.
Guardians gained messages that are shown once in their dialogues depending on their friendship level. They are shown when:
Call, Mount or Control commands are possible.
Friendship level reaches Friends, Best Friends, Best Friends Forever and Buddies For Life level.
Only guardians you have summoned or in your world will give you requests.
Removed the "2P Press Start" text from the guardian health info.
Fixed one of the Bartender dialogues.
Alex will no longer put your character on the floor, when meeting your character on another world, while already having him recruited.
Your character will now regenerate health absurdly, includding having breath maxed when Alex is putting your character on the ground, during his initial dialogue.
New TerraGuardian is in: Domino.
Fixed a potential bug when sending your guardian to sell items, while having platinum coins in their inventory.
Added an option that allows you to test the new guardian combat AI. Turn it on if you want to help testing it. Or just out of curiosity.
The mod has gained an icon
! But It wont be displayed on modbrowser because I don't use GitHub D:.