Humorous 1000 Fun Facts

Fact 1269: Because The guardian deals fixed damage, a Rune Wizard's contact damage on a master mode for the worthy world is higher than a dungeon guardian's contact damage.
Fact 1272 (this number is correct, if you don’t believe me then count yourself fool): The original name for a bassoon is... well I can’t tell you because I’ll get a strike. But I can tell you the name is very similar to an offensive word for homosexual people.
Fact 1273: Before computers were invented, people uses the word "erase" 2 times more than the word "delete". or course, that all changed when computers were invented.
Fact 1274: Official, Sonic the Hedgehog has met the following incarnations of Link from Zelda:
-Twilight Princess's Link in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. 4
-Toon Link/Wind Waker's Link in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and beyond
-Young Link/Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask's Link in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
-And finally, Skyward Sword's Link in Zelda-themed DLC in Sonic Lost World

Counting spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Sonic has also met the Link from the very first Legend of Zelda.
Fun fact 1276: This is fun fact 1276 and a waste of space and your time
Fun fact 1277: the first million digits of pi are:

this spoiler is REALLY long so please exercise caution when clicking the button
And already proves that the idea that pi doesn't repeat is false, as 4th digit is already a repeat of the second.

Also as a sidenote, the last number on each row shows up for me past the line of the spoiler.
Like this:

And then there's the rows that extend beyond my screen:

That white thing on the right is the scroll bar or whatever it's called.
And already proves that the idea that pi doesn't repeat is false, as 4th digit is already a repeat of the second.
digits repeating in the context of a decimal means that a series of digits repeats infinitely, not that one digit shows up more than once.

Also, fun fact 1279: the fear of sleeping is called somniphobia.
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