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So you're saying Nintendo & 505 Games negotiated the price, and to do so they looked at comparable games on the [3DS] system? Or have I just completely misunderstood what you said?

...and I understand that you feel that Terraria was/is underpriced on PC... and I can agree with you up to a point. I do however feel that it is a bit late to be raising the price of the game. Do that with Otherworld.

I wouldn't say you're fleecing people with the 3DS version, but I certainly wouldn't say it's 'fair' to charge so much more for so much less.
Hey guys i just got terraria for the 3ds not too long ago and i am already at the golem boss fight and i was wondering if the moon lord is the final boss or is there a 3ds exculsive final boss because i have been very curious sonce i started
Though the versions differ between PC and Console/mobile, the 3DS version is still in 1.2.4 where Moon Lord was introduced in 1.3
I just had two npcs double and i know this has Ben reported before but I also have a npc that wants to move in but never does? He still hasn't moved in since about at least 3 wof fights a blood moon about 5 hours of playing but still doesn't move in? :'(
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So you're saying Nintendo & 505 Games negotiated the price, and to do so they looked at comparable games on the [3DS] system? Or have I just completely misunderstood what you said?

...and I understand that you feel that Terraria was/is underpriced on PC... and I can agree with you up to a point. I do however feel that it is a bit late to be raising the price of the game. Do that with Otherworld.

I wouldn't say you're fleecing people with the 3DS version, but I certainly wouldn't say it's 'fair' to charge so much more for so much less.

That is my understanding of how it works, correct. That is hardly isolated to this example though, its a standard practice. Charging $30 for a mobile app is absurd - things just do not work that way in that market. On the other hand, console games are judged by the parties involved vs other console games in regards to genre and value. Console prices are ALWAYS higher (Shovel Knight is another example: $15 PC, $25 3DS - does that make SK on 3DS an unfair ripoff? Of course not - its an amazing game that you can now play on the go).

I don't feel that at all - I was illustrating a point on absolute vs relative value. Just because we choose to not price PC at where we probably could have over time, that doesn't mean that 3DS Terraria is a bad value AT ALL. Case in point: when 3DS was seen as impossible two years ago, people would have killed for 1.2 on 3DS. Now we have 1.2 plus minecarts and fishing (and more to come), and suddenly its a bad value - because PC updated beyond that?

So it comes to less. Less than what? Less than PC? If PC were $30, would that suddenly improve the 3DS version? Value is not 1:1 vs price. Minecraft charges nearly $30 for vanilla on PC, $7 mobile, and $30 Wii U, just as an example. Is that the better way to go - charge more across the board and up front so that people won't call you unfair later? I mean, we would rather stick to the path we have chosen in trying to not jack prices up and not charge for post launch content - trying to treat people the right way.

I mean, I get what people are saying, but I'm sorry - acting like anyone here is a bad guy or that this isn't an amazing value in gaming is just not seeing the whole picture - in my opinion, of course. :guidewink:

To be clear, not one soul at Re-Logic bemoans the PC price one bit - it was merely an illustrative point of using a flawed example as a basis for comparison. We have kept Terraria at 10 bucks and participated in so many sales because we WANT the game to be accessible and to follow our own culture and vision for how gaming could/should be. :guidesmile:

With that, I've derailed things enough - you are very welcome to send me a PM if you would like to discuss further. As folks will attest, I pretty much respond to all of them in time. :guidesmile:

Thanks for the replies, this is an awesome community. (zekam11 & loki, thanks for clarifying)

I've experienced the problems stated a few messages ago in local multiplayer: saving issues. Also, sometimes the game crashes (and recognizes it). That's why I save so often now:guidesigh:

Also, are goblin invasions supossed to happen that often? I've had 4 of them today :guideconfused:

Changing the topic: I think the price is fair and correct, knowing how much content the game offers...and if we are getting updates for free...what's the problem? I've already spent 120 hours in this game and the most highly priced games on 3ds arent able to provide that.

505 is doing a great job so far, and as stated a few messages ago, we have to be patient with technical issues being solved first, then, we can get our online/content updates...:guidegrin:
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I thought the price tag was a bit high too, but I knew I'd get my monies worth after how much time I spent on the PC version.
I didn't hesitate to buy it, even though it was almost $30 AUD
BUG: My Angler died and then respawned as a Sleeping Angler in both my left and right ocean biomes and wouldn't move in until I talked to him.
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Since launch, we have become aware of various issues in the Nintendo 3DS version of Terraria. We appreciate your patience as we attempt to reproduce and fix these issues, but in the meantime this post will call out progress and workarounds in an attempt to keep your experience as frustration-free as possible.

We are working towards getting a chunk of the worst offenders fixed so that we can put out an update. The patch submission process on console doesn’t lend itself to putting out a quickfire barrage of ‘hotfixes’ like on PC, so we want the first update to clear up as many of the worst offenders as possible before we release it. We cannot yet give a date for the update, but will announce it as soon as we have it.

Duke Fishron does not spawn ✓
The Duke is in there, but he’s staying hidden at the moment. We’ve found and fixed the issue that was preventing him appearing, so please be assured this is coming and try to be patient. No combination of bait will get him to appear yet, so please don’t waste any more time trying.

Angler text appears only in English ✓
Again, we’ve found the issue and fixed this and it’ll be in the update. If you need localised Angler text in the meantime, we can put a post together telling you what you need to know. Although if you can read this, you’re probably not having any issues anyway.

Duplicate NPCs ✓
A few of you have reported this, and we’re still trying to track down the problem. If you have duplicate NPCs appearing we apologise. It doesn’t break anything besides looking a bit weird, so please bear with us on that one. If you’re feeling cruel, you can leave the dupes to the zombies.

That Pedguin crash on the debut livestream ✓
Not going to lie to you, this was the absolute worst thing that could have happened. The good news is that we’ve isolated the issue. In the meantime, please DO NOT move anything that has a specialist inventory slot (coins, arrows, ammo) into the main inventory. If you want to safely stow it away, move it DIRECTLY from the specialist slots to a chest. That should work okay, but won’t hurt to do a save game before attempting this interaction.

Health hearts behaving weirdly ✓
We’ve seen a few reports of this, and we’re working on it. The good news is the issues are purely cosmetic, and the underlying health stats are working. A save and reload often rights it, but we’re working on a proper fix.

The fishing rods all show 1% power ✓
Similar to the above, this is a visual error only. The text is wrong, but the underlying stats are correct. This is fixed and waiting for the update.

Mana goes into negative numbers
As above, a glitch in the text only.

The range on spears/tridents etc extends with every repeated use ✓
Yep, this is really happening. Enjoy it while it lasts (or not...) because this is GONE in the first update. Apologies, and hope it’s not unbalancing your multiplayer games.

Enemies still spawn in NPC towns
We’re not seeing anything odd here yet, but we’re still looking. Fences and walls should stop enemies appearing, and if you’re seeing otherwise please let us know the details. And check there’s not a gap in the background that enemies could be exploiting...

Hard Mode enemies spawning in Mushroom Biome ✓
I’ve heard Mushi Ladybug, Fungi Bulb and Anomura Fungus mentioned, but I’ve only seen these on the surface which is normal. Is anyone seeing these underground? Is anyone seeing anything else weird in Mushroom that shouldn’t be there? Please let us know, if so.

Crash resuming after the 3DS has been in sleep mode
We’ve not reproduced this one yet, still looking. If you see this let us know, any info could help us track it. So far only one report of this, but we take crashes very seriously.

Crash in multiplayer with 3 or 4 players after 15 mins ✓
We don’t yet see this one either, but if you have it then please let us know the details so we can narrow down the search. So far only one report of this, but we take crashes very seriously.

Problems with in-game music
We’re aware of a few issues here, and are looking into them. If you camera peek with the C-stick into another Biome, that music will trigger. Biome recognition currently works off what the camera can see rather than where the player character is placed. We’re attempting to make this work better.

NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list, and we’ll update as we go. We have focused on what we perceive to be the biggest problems, and these are our focus for the time being. More minor glitches are further down the list, but we are looking into them.

EDIT 1: I'm monitoring this thread daily, but won't have the time to respond to everyone. I can't give an exact ETA on the patch, but we are aiming to have something out at the end of January. There's no way to shortcut that unfortunately: there is a fixed period of time that Nintendo need to test and approve the update, and there's the small matter of Christmas that shuts everything down for a week. As soon as I have a date I will update you, but it's likely that I'll only know a week from release.

Host items not being saved after quitting a Local Play session ✓
We're looking into this one. Interested to hear more reports on this one, and in what circumstances you're seeing this. In fact, if you've seen an issue that's already reported in the thread, it's always going to help us to know your circumstances as well. Apologies that some of you are having issues with this - it's very high on our fix list.

Can you check you're able to save and retain items before the host terminates the session? If you're doing a save and continue, you shouldn't lose anything. Please let me know if you're finding this is not the case.

For the update we'll force the game to save when the Host terminates, but please try the workaround above in the meantime.


Bosses despawn because they move off map ✓

Flower Pow tanks the framerate ✓

Zapinator name glitch ✓

Insects very rare ✓

Tombstone crash ✓

Ulysses Butterfly crash ✓

Golem head gets stuck

Boss sound effects broken
So you guys are keeping the zapinator in the game?
Isn't that meant to happen?
Sorry didn't explain that right. He died and spawned as a Sleeping Angler. He isn't supposed to (once you talk to him at the ocean he should never respawn as a Sleeping Angler) as he should move in if there is a house for him, and there was. What's interesting is he spawned on both sides of the world...
Sorry didn't explain that right. He died and spawned as a Sleeping Angler. He isn't supposed to (once you talk to him at the ocean he should never respawn as a Sleeping Angler) as he should move in if there is a house for him, and there was. What's interesting is he spawned on both sides of the world...
It could be part of the double npc glitch but spawning as a sleeping angler? My house is super annoying because of all the houses and they glitch I've had two of two npcs spawn and one that still won't move in.
I have realized its part of the dupe glitch.
It could be part of the double npc glitch but spawning as a sleeping angler? My house is super annoying because of all the houses and they glitch I've had two of two npcs spawn and one that still won't move in.

BUG: After removing walls with my hammer items attached to the wall would remain suspended in the air (Paintings/Tropheys etc.). Some would occasionally fall off but at the moment they are still in the air. I am able to remove them... It's just weird...
Game crashes when i try to read a gravestone that is dropped when the worm pet is in use, also i am not seeing the crafting recipe for the imp staff. I had a world spawn with 3 floating islands but they all had starfuries, no skymill, no balloon, no horseshoe. Pretty sure you should have all the sky items unless you dont have 4 islands in your world. Also i havent got any water walking boots or hermes boots spawn and there havent been any snow biomes in any of my worlds.:steampunkercry:
Make an arena to have plenty of moving room as you'll need to stay away from her mouth. add in Campfires, Heart Lanterns, and Honey Pools for the added health regen. You could also search for Heart statues and wire em up to pressure plates or timers.

for your setup I recommend Chlorophyte armor, Chlorophyte shotbow or any equivalent.

Craft the Golden Shower spell to give the Ichor debuff to Plantera. combine with any debuff imbuements like On Fire Debuff or Cursed Flames debuff. they all work on Plantera. You'll get it in no time. One thing to note is Plantera can take damage from BOTH On Fire, Cursed Flames and Ichor debuff at the same time. It'll help eat away at her health.
This seems like a bug. When using a single Cloud/Sandstorm/Blizzard in a Balloon, the resulting jump boost, paired with a jet pack, is enough to get me on top of a relatively high placed floating island. But since crafting the Bundle of Balloons, a single jump only gets me a few feet off the ground, and actively restricts the jet pack propulsion time to a couple seconds. Even after performing the quadruple jump allowed by the Bundle, I can no longer make it on top of the same floating island that I could with one balloon. Isn't this item supposed to be better, rather than worse?
This seems like a bug. When using a single Cloud/Sandstorm/Blizzard in a Balloon, the resulting jump boost, paired with a jet pack, is enough to get me on top of a relatively high placed floating island. But since crafting the Bundle of Balloons, a single jump only gets me a few feet off the ground, and actively restricts the jet pack propulsion time to a couple seconds. Even after performing the quadruple jump allowed by the Bundle, I can no longer make it on top of the same floating island that I could with one balloon. Isn't this item supposed to be better, rather than worse?
Yeah, I noticed the flight time seems to be acting strange in certain situations like this. For instance, for some reason the flight time is extremely short if you come out of water with the Neptune's Shell, while in other versions if I come out of water with it I get full flight time, unless I'm landing in water after using all my flight. It's wierd.
You would think it would be a jump followed by a full jet pack/wing usage x 3 rather than jump-jump-jump-jet pack. The single bottle-balloon combo kinda sets it up that way. At least that's the way I'd want it after spending hours farming biome specific chests in multiple worlds for the bottles.
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