Other Literature A Day In the Life Of A Monster

The bone

Hello guys! I decided to delete the land of terrarians because that story was not doing good,I had this thing in mind the whole time and the land of terrarians was just a restriction,so Enjoy!

If you have any suggestions for what monster should I do(boss/monster/critter/NPC) comment down below.

Demon Eye:2nd night since the chosen one arrived,Sunset

The Dark shades of night were starting to take over terraria,the undead were starting to rise from their fleshy graves,Their hunt was starting,hunt for flesh.

As the undead were starting head over to their dinner places,another community was getting ready to rise from their caves... The demon eyes

Aside their aggressive behavior,this little eye community was friendly and caring to each other,The Co-leader Kalep was training the young demon eyes as of the mighty eye's order

Quapi was one of the young eyes,He was a healthy eye with no serious diseases,other cataract and dilated eyes were not for hunting,they were simply useless.

Quapi was a talented artist,he could draw amazing pictures... how eyes draw you say? they pull out tiny hands that let them grab stuff.

When their training was done,Kalep said these words:

-Quaplet dé mairo,zagoorma! Said kalep meaning that they were ready to go out

Hundreds of demon eyes rushed through the small cave entrance,one of them got squished and dropped dead,Quapi stalled around the cave waiting for other demon eyes to pass,but suddenly a hidden cave entrance caught his eye,his mind was going in between hunting for humans or exploring the cave...

He decided to do something new and explore the cave,Quapi peeked through to see the bottom,he could see some black stones below

When he reached the black stones,he saw a weird buffed up stone guy,the golem turned around to notice Quapi,Quapi suddenly gulped very hard that it could be heard by the golem.

It simply walked away without hurting Quapi,he phewed and moved on in his adventure.

After flying a bit more through the cave,he saw a weird house in the underground,could a human live here? he thought to himself,after stalling a bit more,he figured that was the house of that golem he encountered earlier,he checked to see if the door was open,it was!

He saw a few couches,a few chairs and tables,and a chest inside,he slowly approached the chest as he was hoping to find something.

When he was in front of the chest,he noticed a shadow was moving in the chest,he suddenly felt a painful feeling for a mili second before everything went black...

A Human had slayed him...
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Eye Of Cthulhu: 2nd night since the chosen one arrived,midnight

NOTE:This is written from EoC's point of view

I could sense that another one of our eyes had been murdered... BY HUMANS!

I could sense the human's evilness inside him from far,far away,I'm coming for you, "Chosen One" Get ready for some trouble!

I could sense that Human was heading off the underground running home,He must have been aware of my presence,I am coming for you human,I,The Senser of Cthulhu WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN!

My roar rang in all of their ears,They shivered in fear,One of his companions handed him a few shurikens,while the other one told him about my presence a bit more.

The chosen one was quickly grabbing his health potions panting very often,after a while,he rushed through the house and went outside.

As he was quickly building his tiny little arena,I was waiting for him to prepare,I want a good challenge after all.

He Went home again and came back with a few campfires,he quickly placed them as those provided him regeneration.

After a while of preparation,he stopped, looking around the sky,waiting for me to come,I smiled and went for it.

I was inside the fogs which human couldn't see me,This kinda thing strengthens my ego.

Finally,I was out of the fogs,the human turned around as his face turned into extreme fear,but he was prepared for this and quickly pulled out his shiny white bow and started to fire at me,I was mostly taking all of them,You can't dodge very well if you're a giant eye with slow movement,at least for now...

I tried to dash the human,but his green boots and his sunflowers provided him speed,I tried to play with him a little more by spawning my little minions,he was having a hard time fending them off but he eventually killed all of them,I spawned a bit more and dashed him,this went on like this for a while,me getting hit,me dashing,human dodging,me spawning little eyes while dashing him,human getting hurt by little eyes.repeat.

After a while,my whole lens was full of arrows,I could barely see anymore,human was getting good hits on me with his green-ish staff,Maybe I underestimated the human,But for now,It didn't matter,I wasn't gonna just surrender and die,I let out my loudest roar and started to spin very fast,I ripped my lens which was very painful but also worth the risk,I was growing tooth instead of my lens,My vision changed also,now my eye was behind my tooth so My tooth were blocking my vision a little bit,I didn't mind that and did a average speed dash on the human,he couldn't doge from his shock and was stuck on my teeth,I quickly brushed him off and spawned my minions...

But I wasn't able to spawn them anymore... why? Oh well,Dashes are better anyways I thought as I did another average speed dash at him,human pulled out some grenades and started throwing them at me,They were really painful and creating smoke as well,I couldn't attack the human anymore,his scars were also healing as of the campfires,I saw him smile wickedly at me,what a monster,he thinks he's the hero of this land,he came here and raided our community,stole our underground chests,killed one of us! I wasn't gonna let him win,not this time,This monster wasn't gonna get away with this,I forced myself really hard and did a super fast dash at the human,he flung crashing into his house's wall,dazed.

I seriously didn't know how I did that,Somehow I forced my limits and managed to hurt the human significantly,I smiled at the human as he was getting up,I did another dash and managed to hit the chosen one,but he also managed to get a few grenades on me,they weren't hurting that much anymore,I did a few average speed dashes to confuse him and did another as well.

Human had scarred me severely from my back,I decided that play time was over and did super fast dashes without stopping,human was getting hit everywhere,but he was also managing to land a few bombs on me,it became a damage race at that point,human hitting me with bombs,me hitting him with my dashes,After a while,human had run out of bombs,I dashed him one more time and he fell on the ground,begging me to not kill him,I was overjoyed at this point,watching the human beg me,but I wasn't gonna let him live,not after the things he had done,I dashed him one more time for the finisher,but something unexpected happened...

Human had one grenade left and threw it at me,The grenade landed inside my mouth and blew me to pieces.

I'm sorry my minions... I have failed you.
Medusa:3rd day since the chosen one arrived,morning-

Light's of the day could be seen from the Marble world,where everything is light and friendly,hoplites gathering around,stabbing crawdad's for fun.

But there was something mythical walking around in the marble biome... Medusa!

The medusa usually hanged around in the main place without going off too far,she was the only remaining medusa in the small biome.

As she was walking around as usual,she spotted something different,something she have never seen before.

Medusa slowly approached the figure from behind,ready to make a noise,she did a quiet hiss...

The creature turned around as it was immobilized by turning into stone,medusa threw it to a deep chasm that nobody dared to explore.

creature made a bone sound when it reached the bottom,medusa decided to listen the creature a bit more,but instead she heard someone drawing a sword and swinging at the skeleton.

Medusa quickly left the place running to her house,as she was about to start running,she heard grappling sounds,each one of them getting louder by every second.

Medusa slowly turned around expecting a huge robotic death monster aiming at him,but instead,she saw the chosen one everyone was talking about,she quickly stoned him and threw him deep in the chasm,The Chosen one quickly got out of the stone and grappled on the floor again,medusa was already running as fast as she could,She looked back again to make sure human wasn't following him...

He wasn't there,Human had probably decided to leave medusa alone.

But medusa suddenly felt something was watching her,something from above...

She quickly looked up to see that cursed human dashing her from above,but unfortunately for the chosen one,medusa had very quick reflexes and stoned the human again,She threw him to a hoplite herd.

But a sharp sword touched her neck,resulting in her decapitation,The blade creature quickly ran to help the chosen one.
Blood Zombie:5th day since the chosen one arrived,evening

I awakened from my grave sensing something red,I dug out with my bare hands,as usual,It was another night for the chosen ONES,apparently another chosen one has fell in this world,good at close-range weapons and summoning minions that help them,while the original is a ranger and also a magician,so I had to be careful,After getting out of my grave,I looked around,searching for other zombies.

I can say I saw something acting like me but he was blood covered,What?

Everything was red,I was searching for the force of this,When I looked up, A horrible sight greeted me...

Moon was red,It was corrupting every monster with blood,Suddenly,I felt something moving in my leg,When I looked down,I saw blood spreading through my body,was I being infected?!

I tried to brush it off but it was no avail,the whole infection covered me as my vision was going black...

"Ahhh,this is better,Finally managed to infect another zombie,how are you feeling you poor soul? The voice had some recognizable tones I had heard before.

I wasn't in control of my body anymore,I was just... feeling what ever he was feeling,the infection slowly walked towards the base all humans gathered,This would probably end in my death... but there was nothing I could do about it.

As we were trying to break the house's door,the infection realized something was stuck in his body,it was some kind of weird pink thing,The infection hid it in his pocket.

While me and other poor zombies were trying to break door,one of them told something alien-ish,with his word,the infection managed to do something zombies were not able to do for a century; They opened doors

Me(the infection),5 blood zombies,and a few infected demon eyes had successfully entered the house,this place seemed like it was made of stone and wood,it had stone and glass mixture walls,a furnace,a workbench and a few chairs and tables placed for decoration.

The infections were looking for the humans in this large 4-story high apartment,we heard battle sounds behind us,when the infections looked back,they saw the chosen one's,one was a girl,other was a boy,I didn't understand them but I'm sure their names were "Aiden" and "Cadence" Aiden times his staff at us,while Cadence commanded her slime to attack us.

Out of nowhere, A zombie dressed as a bride approached the humans swinging her arms,the girl quickly took her head as it was a pillow,Suddenly a zombie wearing a top hat ran for Cadence probably seeking vengeance,but Cadence took her husband's life this time...

The chosen one's approached every one of us killing very quickly,Heck I saw a zombie same as me wear a weird necklace,the human quickly filled his head with bullets and took the necklace,while the girl was looking at my weird pink bank,somehow her face turned into joy as she approached me with full speed,but my infection had a back up plan,it pulled out a blooded zombie arm then swinged it at her,the arm hitting right to her fore head,knocking her unconscious.

Infection got out of the house apparently heading for my grave,as it was becoming day time.

"Welp,my duty ends here,see you another time kid."

I woke up at my grave house,apparently the infection had dropped me off here,that was one scary night,I'm afraid that might happen again!

Also, My money trough is gone...


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Mount Slime(Slimy Saddle slime) 6th day since the chosen one arrived,morning

A couple of guardian slimes pushed through the slime city in a hurry,picking random slimes to go with them,unfortunately for me I was one of the chosen ones,When I asked them why they choosed me, they said they needed large slimes,I was a blue slime a bit smaller than the pregnant slimes,Me and other 3 slimes followed the guardians to the king's castle.

The King's servants greeted us in the Testing Chamber,there was the almighty in a glass cell,there was also 4 empty ones,I was getting quite nervous at this point,Wondering what they were gonna do to us,The Professor Slime walked towards us,ready to say something:

"So,you innocents are our new subjects,starting with simple questions,how is your day going?"

"Great,Great" We all murmured

"We all fit for testing?" Said the professor obviously planning something on us

"This guy is trying to probe us,what do we do?" I whispered to the slime near me

Professor cut us out and offered us to go into the glass cells

He closed the glass cells's doors and grabbed his paper,and said something like this to the king:

"My lord,all the slimes and the Ninja you requested are ready,would you like to convert the slimes first or place the Ninja inside you?"

King Slime stayed motionless to the professors question...

"I take that as a yes,let's begin!"

The slime brought a thin and small glass cell,It seemed that there was a unconcious human inside it.

A large robot hand grabbed the Ninja and sticked it to the king slime as it was ice cream

The King suddenly shrinked and teleported out of the glass cell,the professor took notes as it as a succesful experiments.

"Ok,The Ninja Project went very good,our king is able to teleport...Now onto you folks" The slime smiled at us

"Ok,First,starting with you blue goo" said the blob pointing at me

"You're gonna be sealed into a saddle to provide our king jump,Other blue is gonna be transformed into a sticky hook with our solidifier,to let our king not die when shrinking,he got lucky there jeez"

I was frightened,was I gonne be dead,Was I gonna stay like that forever in our king?

"You small one! Yeah you,We're gonna suck all of your gel into a gun for unlimited gel for our king,hah!"

The small blue slime suddenly hopped and tried to break the glass cell

"You,the spiky one,we're gonna trim all of your spikes for more spiked slimes how's that?"

"Do you have something against us dude?" The small one glared


As I watched the 3 turned into those things,I was getting the chills,suddenly something pushed me into a magical saddle as I was being sucked in.

I woke up at some kind of drop-off center,slimes were being dropped off to the earth,Were we invading the humans?

After a little bit more of watching slimes dropping themselves to their doom,our king forgot we were in a treasure bag and that treasure bag was inside him and jumped off.

We landed on a hill surrounded by torches,we moved a little bit until we stumbled upon the humans,they were slaying the soldier slimes with ease,I was stuck in this bag with other slime-generated items.

King slime shrinked and teleported right below the human sending him a few blocks,It was like getting immobilized for me...

The girl casted a cute little green slime whch didn't attack us,the girl cursed as she pulled out her White yoyo

After more fighting,the girl pulled out a shield with a large mouth,it seemed familiar but I couldn't match it with something.

The girl contionously rammed at us while the boy was throwing grenades at our king.

The girl rammed us one more time,when the king shaked as it was having a seziure,then exploded into millions of gels...

The chosen one grabbed the bag and opened to find us...

She gave the hook to his friend,He pulled out the gun,I expected him to be excited,but he simply threw it in the bushes... Poor slime.

Finally,the chosen one pulled out the saddle which was me,He had a large smile on his face which is weird for a saddle,he swung me unexpectidly a few times,each time I felt more energetic,until...

I was finally out from the saddle,God,it feels good to get rid of tha- oh it's on top of me...

Human sat on me thinking I was a horse,I refused to be his mount... I have my own standards after all.

I looked at the human again,he was very sad,I pitied him and jumped higher than any slime could,and and jumped and ran in circles.

"Woo,We have a new adventurer with us Cadence1" Human shouted at his friend

Wait... Was I gonna go with him? I might get killed...
Mount Slime,6th day since the chosen one arrived,afternoon

My Owner and his friend talked about something involving fossils? She said my owner needing fossil armor,and for that we would need to visit the underground desert. Oh no, I hate hot areas!

I shaked my head sideways to Aiden meaning no, Unfortunately he got that as a yes and sat on me...

I decided to go slime it and just go for it,I jumped over lots of holes,crushed enemies with my butt,god these people need to clear all of this up!

Soo... It turns out I competely passed the desert,we were at a beach, so this is how seas look.

I was expecting aiden to yell at me but instead he had that huge dorky smile on his face again.

"What are you looking at Aiden?" The girl asked to aiden

"Nothing,just trying to find some palm trees for us" Said Aiden calmly

While I was looking around checking the place out,I saw a human lying in the sand,he must be uncomfortable I thought as I was running to wake him up

"Woah Woah! Boy calm down!" Said Aiden trying to calm me down

Now he's treating me like a dog... Ugh.

I stood on him while spreading my goo on his face

Aiden did a "thank-you" face to me while he lightly touched the sleeping handsome's shoulder

The Kid opened his eyes just as he bolted upwards at speed of light

"Woah,thank you for rescuing me or... whatever" The kid blushed

"Umm... You're welcome,I am Cadence,this is my friend Aiden and this is his pet,I named him slimy"

"How the hell do you even ride these gross things?"

"I think they are pretty cute." Aiden said which made me blush also

"Hmm... What if I told you,I saw a slime,but instead it was a fish!"

My attention was quickly drawn towards the fisher kid.

"Tell us more,I'd like to hear about it!" Said aiden realizing my excitement

"In the forest,slimes are kinda gross,slimefish are even more so! I don't want to swim with slimes,so yoink one out of the water for me!"

I nodded at the kid,he smiled back.

We quickly bolted out of there heading for the desert,we promised the kid we would bring the fish for him. His name was Adam

There was a huge chasm probably leading towards the caves,I was a bit hesitant to jump,but we needed loot! So I jumped right in.

We found ourselves in 2-way room,We decided to take the left route,We came across a huge disturbing-to-look-at giant bug,it screeched charged at us,luckily caddence was prepared and pulled out his White yoyo and again and threw it at the creature.

After some walking we found plenty of goo stuff,I figured it was fossil,my team started to mine it,then after a while I was amazed...

"This is too slow,Cadence,pull out the dynamites" The woman threw a few of those red thingies,I was wondering what they were,I decided to suck one in my body.

"SLIMY! STOOOOPPP!!" That was the last thing I heard until they exploded and my conciousness faded away...

The Angler,7th day since the chosen one arrived,12:21 PM

NOTE:It is assumed that the angler is 15-16 years old

Heroes were trying to revive their slime,He looked very weak,but those little buggers are gross anyway,so meh.

I heard a quite knock from the door,it was day so it couldn't have been zombies,slimes don't know how to knock either,when I stood up and headed for the door,Aiden already opened the door like a idiot.

He was talking to someone,He was appearantly a Merchant,a traveling one,I joined their conversation,I asked what his name was,he said his name was Abraham,That's a old name.

Aiden asked what he had in stock,the Merchant pulled out a paper and started to write something,then he handed it to us:

Abraham's Goodies
Celestial Magnet
DPS Meter
Life Form Analyzer
Crimson Cloak
Arcane Rune Wall
Code 1
Yellow Counterweight

Aiden took a look at them for a good 5 minutes,he decided to buy the crimson cloak,Code 1,DPS meter, the life form analyzer,yellow counterweight and the arcane rune Wall.

He wanted to buy the Katana too but he ran out of Money,he asked me for some Money,I refused of course,but he pulled out the slime fish I requested earlier,so I gave him a good chunk of 16 gold,he smiled and gave the Money to the traveling Merchant.

Abraham Said Goodbye and left.

"We really need to fish with you,Adam" Saaid aiden somewhat worrying

"How about the ocean? It's got all the fish you need,some are useful,some are useless,some are... BIG "

Then aiden asked that if we should bring Cadence with us,I refused,we need to go on a fishing trip man-to-man.

We arrived at the ocean,I asked how the hell we were gonna fish,luckily aiden had a plan:

He destroyed a few palm trees,made a little ocean shack...

"This is your new home! It even has a fishing hole... like it?"

"Ugh,fine" I glared at him and threw my fishing pole

We fished for a while,laughing and smiling,after a while,we ssdecided to start a bet:

"I bet I can catch a important fish in 1 try!" I yelled

I quickly threw my pole again and waited for glory,but instead,I got a seaweed...

"HAH! I bet I can catch a shark which is in the shape of pickaxe!"

"That's impossible,your imagination is playing with you!"

"We'll see..." Aiden replied and threw his pole...

Finally something catched his bait,he pulled the pole as best as he can,the fish finally gave up.

It was literally a shark which was used for mining...

As I watched Aiden digging sand and making fun of me,I was still in shock,how!!

"I will name it, The Reaver Shark"

"Eugh,come on,let's fish in the purple land this time"

Suddenly Aiden looked at me in fear,these words came out of his mouth:

"What did you say?"

Eater Of Souls:7th day since the chosen one arrived, 1:32

The Purple walls of the corruption were now dark purple,everything was acting more careful and aggressive nowadays,I don't like it,I miss the old days when all of us hanged out together.

I am currently hanging out mining ebonstone as usual,but I feel like something wrong is gonna happen...

After digging for a while,something flashed through the small gap,I got excited dug a bit more,when I opened a path big enough for me to fit,I was amazed...

It was some kind of weird dark orb pulsing energy towards itself... Awesome!

I had to protect this creation,at all costs...

After a 30 minute of protecting the orb,I started to hear quite sounds,they were getting closer by the minute,It sound like they were coming from that... wall.


I quickly backed away from the explosion,hid in the hole I dug earlier and waited for the source.

A nature dryad and a strange woman were walking around the orb,talking human language that I don't know about.

They talked a little bit more,until:


A funny looking kid and a dinosaur looking man have blown up the other side of the wall...

they gathered around together talking,I'm so screwed if they notice me.

They all gathered around talking,the dino guy handed the girl a sharp sword,a yoyo and a yellow... I don't know.

The dinosaur pulled out a hammer made from our wood and started to smash the holy orb!

I was going in between helping the poor orb or staying hidden,before I could finish the decision,it was already in pieces...

He picked up a musket with 60-70 bullets.

As I was watching them,a horrible chill went down my spine,I accidentally screeched...

Everyone suddenly froze,looking around them,this time the dino guy pulled out a radar looking machine and held it around the room.

When the radar was in my direction,it continuously made a beep sound,the dino slowly headed to my direction,I was ready to make an attack in any second,when he was close enough,I made a loud screech,charged at him,and flied away with all my might.

I flied,flied,flied,flied,flied,flied... SPLANDUK! I crashed at something and was dazed for a few seconds...

When I opened my Eyes,I heard echoes all around me,they were whispering me something,but I couldn't make it out what they were saying.

I got up,decided to hide in my house all day,but just as I was going,I heard a collapsing sound,a orb collapsed...

Dryad:7th day since the chosen one arrived,2:01

"Soooooo... I kinda screwed up" Said Aiden while dodging another dash from the worm

"Screwing up? You shot the final orb on purpose,when I said it is dangerous!" I replied to the idiot

As I was glaring at aiden,worm did a quick lunge at me,I couldn't Dodge and took the hit.

I smashed my head into the ebonstone which knocked me out for a good 5 minutes...

When I was finally awake,I slowly opened my eyes to see 5 worm heads dashing at the 3,I thought I was seeing quintuples,but that was proven to be false by the 6th head dashing at me again.

Angler quickly saved me from the worm's head and immediately went to help the others,I stood up again thinking what I could do to help,then I remembered the words...

"Azera Muama Kuata Kata!" I murmured

"Uhh,what is she doing?" Angler asked

Suddenly,a wave of green leaves appeared around me,making the heroes more resilient to damage,Cadence smiled and cut the worm in half,in other words created one more head.

Fight was same old same old,slice,slice,dodge,dodge,get healed by nature magic,repeat.

But,the evil worm was finally gone,Corruption may fall apart now,heroes now completed their que-

"Hey that red biome we saw earlier could maybe be related to this?" Said aiden

I squished both of my hands into fists,pulled out my dirt rod,smacked aiden all the way over to the snow biome... wait snow was nearby all this time??!!

I turned my head to see cadence opening a bag which represented the corrupted worm,she pulled out a good chunk of demonize ore and scales,some coins as usual,and a worm scarf which blocks off %17 damage.

Cadence's face turned into a smile as she wore the scarf around her neck,she stared at her magic mirror and was teleported home.

"Come on,we should go as well" I said to Adam

Maybe I shouldn't have thrown that idiot all the way across the island...
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