Mobile A Knight in Shining Armors Achievement.


After referring to [this].
Equip all the listed armor in the equipment slot (not vanity slot), exit the inventory screen and saved. Repeat for all armor. (Include all the helm variance.)
But I still unable to obtain the Achievment. :(
Any suggestion?
Ok. I got it.
I put down 5 empty chests. Empty my inventory except the 1st row (5 items). Open up the chest that have the armor, pick up everything by pressing the pickup-all button, then close the inventory, open up the empty chest, press the put all-in button. Repeat for the rest of the armor, and the achievement pop up after 3rd chest filled.
Horray... :)
Last achievement... Slime...(Think, I will kill each type of slime with meele weapon to be on safe side, heard that certain type of weapon kill does not count....)
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