Resolved A Potential Invalid Housing Bug



For the last 2 days or so, I've being trying to work out why this house is "Invalid Housing".

No matter how you look at it, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.
There's a suitable comfort item, light source, flat surface, and enough floor space for the NPC to stand on; yet the game insists "This is not valid housing."
Normally I wouldn't post about something like this, but I'm really stumped this time. Anyone got any ideas?
Have you made sure there is about zero corruption/crimson within about a screen's space around it? I ask this because there's a point between "Valid House" and "This house is too corrupted to use" that pops up just "Invalid Housing".
Thank you! That was the problem after all, I never would've guessed.
I thought I knew a lot about the housing mechanics, but looks like there was one thing I didn't know. :)
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