A Progress Update on the Road to 1.3! Pre-Alpha Gameplay Inside!

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Sorry if this has been asked on here before, but there's 28 pages...

...are we getting the update? Or something a little closer to PC (obviously we'll still be slightly behind)?
Sorry if this has been asked on here before, but there's 28 pages...

...are we getting the update? Or something a little closer to PC (obviously we'll still be slightly behind)?
Depends on who "we" are. PS4, XB1, mobile platforms and Switch are getting patch 1.3. Older systems such as PS3, 360, Vita, 3DS and Wii U are stopping support at 1.2.4.
PS4 etc. But which 1.3 are we getting?
On a recent stream PipeWorks mentioned as the closest equivalent. Knowing how development works, that's reasonable. It was probably around that time when development started.
On a recent stream PipeWorks mentioned as the closest equivalent. Knowing how development works, that's reasonable. It was probably around that time when development started.
Thanks, just what I wanted to know - no cheesing the Moon Lord with farms then...
On a recent stream PipeWorks mentioned as the closest equivalent. Knowing how development works, that's reasonable. It was probably around that time when development started. and was mac and linux compatability stuff, It's weird for them to state that that's gonna be the console equivalent that we're getting

Either way they've got until the end of June to release the update, unless they delay it for whatever reason

I'm gonna predict June 30th considering that's when PC received the 1.3 update in 2015

Guess we'll see :guidewhat: and was mac and linux compatability stuff, It's weird for them to state that that's gonna be the console equivalent that we're getting
Yeah, it's definitely weird. 1.3.1(.1) would have been a more natural starting point as it includes controller support (though that would have to be reworked for console). And the announcement were made on July 25, 2016 a few days after the Party Update (1.3.2), though they would have been working on it for some time before that to see if it's doable.
But we don't know when they started working on it; it could have taken a long time to get the PC code running on console. Perhaps as far back as
Does anyone know how cross-platform multiplayer, as in PS3 & PS4, will (or won't) work?

  • The great news is that you can continue to play these versions of Terraria (both online and offline) as a fully functioning – and still incredibly fun – game.
    • No further updates will be coming for old gen
    • Current-Gen consoles (XB1, PS4) will continue to receive updates (more on that below)
    • Future updates to current-gen platforms will unfortunatelty make cross-play with old-gen platforms impossible

Why are we no longer providing updates for old-gen?

  • Simply put, these consoles are 12 years old at this point, and we are running into hardware requirement issues (as some of you saw with Vita): as Terraria has grown over the years, its hardware demands have as well – with 1.3 being a sizeable jumping-off point. This also means that we would likely have to substantially "hold back" current gen possibilities in order to make things work with the "lowest common denominator."

  • So, that being the case and in order to continue to give all users the best Terraria experience, we needed to draw a line here that allows old gen players to have a stable and authentic game experience – even if that means being stopped at 1.2.4 tier content – while also enabling current gen consoles to fully leverage their more current hardware.

  • We explored a few possible approaches to make 1.3 work, but – to be frank – none of them were really acceptable. They required too much in the way of compromising the Terraria console gameplay experience and still left some lingering stability concerns, all while drawing in a rather large amount of resources to make it work at all – resources that we ultimately feel would be better used to push Terraria forward further and faster.

Here’s to the journey ahead!
Here's your answer.
I hope mobile will get the 50 backpack slots that the PC users have. I don't know if console users do or not, but on mobile we have like 30 or something and can be annoying sometimes as we're always full.
are there going to be yoyos, if so how will they work exactly
Yes, the yo-yo was introduced in 1.3 so we should get them. For mobile probably just hold your finger in the direction your attacking within range. With the console probably the joystick held to the left or right side within range.
Yes, the yo-yo was introduced in 1.3 so we should get them. For mobile probably just hold your finger in the direction your attacking within range. With the console probably the joystick held to the left or right side within range.
I hope mobile will get the 50 backpack slots that the PC users have. I don't know if console users do or not, but on mobile we have like 30 or something and can be annoying sometimes as we're always full.

On the PC version, players have 10 (1x10) hotbar slots and 40 (4x10) inventory slots.

On the console version, players have 10 (1x10) hotbar slots and 40 (4x10) inventory slots.

On the mobile version, players have 10 (2x5) hotbar slots and 40 (8x5) inventory slots. I don't understand where your claim is based off of because all the versions have the same amount of inventory space. It may just appear to be smaller since the inventories on PC and console are wider. It may also be that you are running an older version of Terraria Mobile? because according to my iPad which is at the latest version, the mobile version has the same amount of inventory slots as the console and PC versions, 40.

For mobile 1.3, a more accurate suggestion would be to make the inventory on mobile (8x5) wider like the PC version (4x10).
On the PC version, players have 10 (1x10) hotbar slots and 40 (4x10) inventory slots.

On the console version, players have 10 (1x10) hotbar slots and 40 (4x10) inventory slots.

On the mobile version, players have 10 (2x5) hotbar slots and 40 (8x5) inventory slots. I don't understand where your claim is based off of because all the versions have the same amount of inventory space. It may just appear to be smaller since the inventories on PC and console are wider. It may also be that you are running an older version of Terraria Mobile? because according to my iPad which is at the latest version, the mobile version has the same amount of inventory slots as the console and PC versions, 40.

For mobile 1.3, a more accurate suggestion would be to make the inventory on mobile (8x5) wider like the PC version (4x10).
That's for tablets/iPods, phones only have 5 hotbar slots
Ok guys on Twitter they answered someone's question and said that it should come out late June (I'm thinking it will release on the same date pc got 1.3, June 30th)
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