OOC A Subcontinent in Ruins

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Secret Tree Lover
Thanks to @Dragonwolf73 and @Ivyss for fixing the original post.

Thank you @Chrysalis Σ for creating the role-play.

The year is 2008.
In our timeline, Europe's biggest concern wouldn't be having to deal with being a nuclear wasteland.
This isn't that timeline.

Since the year 1983, Europe has been recovering from devastating nuclear annihilation from bombs planted by the US in case of invasion.
However, it seems the bombs were activated prematurely, and it's now a complete hellhole (more than I've heard it is nowadays).

However, some countries have been making slow and steady recoveries, inching their ways to having stable governments and possible economies. Sadly for the people here, Germany is not one of those countries, having been still divided into East and West when the nukes went off.

Most of the population lives in bunkers, with only scavengers going to the surface to get supplies when needed. At least for them technology has been developed in the last 25 years to make things easier, such as boots designed for traversing tall buildings, hand-held grappling hooks for scaling walls, and quick radiation treatment meds that may have side effects.

So... yeah. A country destroyed by its own warmongering, now destroyed again by nuclear fallout. The world could be your oyster, or it could kill you.
Which one happens, I don't know yet. Maybe the blacksite under the former capital city could have something to do with it.

Nickname (Optional):
Species (see rules):
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work):
Appearance (Optional):
Weaknesses (Required):
Backstory (Optional):
Place of Origin:
Main Equipment (see rules):
Extra (You can put character themes or sources of inspiration here):
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character):
For the first time I've done, I'm introducing the Disposable Character Template.
Disposable Characters are one-offs meant to fulfill a purpose. That purpose is usually working as an NPC merchant or the like, and then dying horribly.
They do not require as much info as main characters, but they may be killed at any point by the main characters.
Think of them as unprotected NPCs in a Fallout game.
Age (Unspecific):
Main Weapon:
Function (Required):
Friendly to:
Hostile to:
Backstory (Optional):
Familiarity to the masses:
Place of Origin:
1. When it comes to species, use whatever, but please explain how it fits into the RP.
2. Keep TFs to a minimum.
3. Permission-to-kill is required for main characters.
4. Only you (and any dice rolls you make) control your characters. You do not control other's characters without permission.
5. Adding stuff to the template is acceptable.
6. Please space out your paragraphs if you make any. It's not fun reading a large wall of text.
7. Historical accuracy isn't required, but it's encouraged.
8. Please, no godmodding or metagaming.
9. Don't go too over-the-top with the bleakness. I get that most of Europe is dead, but don't make things too difficult to RP without feeling depressed.
10. Adding onto that, try to take things seriously at least to a point.
If you have any questions or additions you'd like, go ahead.

ame: Viktor Borachav
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species (see rules): Human
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work): Kind-hearted yet inconspicuous, doesn't reach out to others much, and often travels alone
Appearance (Optional): A somewhat short, slightly plump man with well-groomed hair and a full beard. Wears an Arstotzkan inspectors uniform
Strengths: Is well trained with maintenance and engineering
Weaknesses (Required): Lacks endurance
Backstory (Optional): Viktor was the inspector at the Grestin border checkpoint, until 1991. After losing his son, mother-in-law, and his uncle, and adopting his niece, a man named Jorji Costava approached him. He said that he had a friend that could help his family escape to Obristan. After a few days of confiscating obristan passports, he and his family left on the train for Obristan, after purchasing the forged passports from Jorji's acquaintance. Miraculously, they were let in to the country, and spent their life there, until the nuclear bombs detonated. At first, he didn't hear of anything for nearly 10 long years, until news started coming in form all over the world of the nuclear bombs, and that's when he decided to leave. After that, he left the country in search of anything to help his family, who came with him. Once they arrived in Germany, which took nearly a month, they decided to settle down in Berlin, in a shabby house, built of the ruined materials from the wreckage of buildings
Place of Origin: Arstotzka
Main Equipment (see rules): An old SVD with 2 magazines, as well as a Markov PM with 2 magazines
Faction: None
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character): I like this one, #D20000

Nickname (Optional): Nyx
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species (see rules): Human
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work): Very outgoing and bubbly and has an unwavering sense of loyalty to those she deems her friends. Enjoys physical activity.
Appearance (Optional): Black hair that flows to just under her shoulders. Darker skin that indicates she is mixed. Honey gold eyes that are nice and warm. Fairly short at 5'4.
Strengths: Excels at parkour and other agility based activities.
Weaknesses (Required): Isn't very strong. While she can lift her own body and maybe help someone up, she's not going to be doing any great feats of strength anytime soon.
Backstory (Optional): (later)
Place of Origin: Berlin. She was born 2 years after the bombs went off.
Main Equipment (see rules): A super heated combat knife, a handheld grappling hook, and boots that can assist her when jumping.
Faction: (TBD, but for now, none)
Extra (You can put character themes or sources of inspiration here): (my flipping head. :D)
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character): 95708F

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Decided to try to fix your post.

The year is 2008.
In our timeline, Europe's biggest concern wouldn't be having to deal with being a nuclear wasteland.
This isn't that timeline.

Since the year 1983, Europe has been recovering from devastating nuclear annihilation from bombs planted by the US in case of invasion.
However, it seems the bombs were activated prematurely, and it's now a complete hellhole (more than I've heard it is nowadays).

However, some countries have been making slow and steady recoveries, inching their ways to having stable governments and possible economies. Sadly for the people here, Germany is not one of those countries, having been still divided into East and West when the nukes went off.

Most of the population lives in bunkers, with only scavengers going to the surface to get supplies when needed. At least for them technology has been developed in the last 25 years to make things easier, such as boots designed for traversing tall buildings, hand-held grappling hooks for scaling walls, and quick radiation treatment meds that may have side effects.

So... yeah. A country destroyed by its own warmongering, now destroyed again by nuclear fallout. The world could be your oyster, or it could kill you.
Which one happens, I don't know yet. Maybe the blacksite under the former capital city could have something to do with it.

Nickname (Optional):
Species (see rules):
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work):
Appearance (Optional):
Weaknesses (Required):
Backstory (Optional):
Place of Origin:
Main Equipment (see rules):
Extra (You can put character themes or sources of inspiration here):
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character):
For the first time I've done, I'm introducing the Disposable Character Template.
Disposable Characters are one-offs meant to fulfill a purpose. That purpose is usually working as an NPC merchant or the like, and then dying horribly.
They do not require as much info as main characters, but they may be killed at any point by the main characters.
Think of them as unprotected NPCs in a Fallout game.
Age (Unspecific):
Main Weapon:
Function (Required):
Friendly to:
Hostile to:
Backstory (Optional):
Familiarity to the masses:
Place of Origin:
1. When it comes to species, use whatever, but please explain how it fits into the RP.
2. Keep TFs to a minimum.
3. Permission-to-kill is required for main characters.
4. Only you (and any dice rolls you make) control your characters. You do not control other's characters without permission.
5. Adding stuff to the template is acceptable.
6. Please space out your paragraphs if you make any. It's not fun reading a large wall of text.
7. Historical accuracy isn't required, but it's encouraged.
8. Please, no godmodding or metagaming.
9. Don't go too over-the-top with the bleakness. I get that most of Europe is dead, but don't make things too difficult to RP without feeling depressed.
10. Adding onto that, try to take things seriously at least to a point.
If you have any questions or additions you'd like, go ahead.
Name: Viktor Borachav
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species (see rules): Human
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work): Kind-hearted yet inconspicuous, doesn't reach out to others much, and often travels alone

Appearance (Optional): A somewhat short, slightly plump man with well-groomed hair and a full beard. Wears an Arstotzkan inspectors uniform
Strengths: Is well trained with maintenance and engineering

Weaknesses (Required): Lacks endurance
Backstory (Optional): Viktor was the inspector at the Grestin border checkpoint, until 1991. After losing his son, mother-in-law, and his uncle, and adopting his niece, a man named Jorji Costava approached him. He said that he had a friend that could help his family escape to Obristan. After a few days of confiscating obristan passports, he and his family left on the train for Obristan, after purchasing the forged passports from Jorji's acquaintance. Miraculously, they were let in to the country, and spent their life there, until the nuclear bombs detonated. At first, he didn't hear of anything for nearly 10 long years, until news started coming in form all over the world of the nuclear bombs, and that's when he decided to leave. After that, he left the country in search of anything to help his family, who came with him. Once they arrived in Germany, which took nearly a month, they decided to settle down in Berlin, in a shabby house, built of the ruined materials from the wreckage of buildings
Place of Origin: Arstotzka
Main Equipment (see rules): An old SVD with 2 magazines, as well as a Markov PM with 2 magazines
Faction: None
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character):
I like this one, #D20000
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Name: Viktor Borachav
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species (see rules): Human
Personality (Likes and dislikes also work): Kind-hearted yet inconspicuous, doesn't reach out to others much, and often travels alone

Appearance (Optional): A somewhat short, slightly plump man with well-groomed hair and a full beard. Wears an Arstotzkan inspectors uniform
Strengths: Is well trained with maintenance and engineering

Weaknesses (Required): Lacks endurance
Backstory (Optional): Viktor was the inspector at the Grestin border checkpoint. After losing his son, mother-in-law, and his uncle, and adopting his niece, a man named Jorji Costava approached him. He said that he had a friend that could help his family escape to Obristan. After a few days of confiscating obristan passports, he and his family left on the train for Obristan, after purchasing the forged passports from Jorji's acquaintance. Miraculously, they were let in to the country, and spent their life there, until the nuclear bombs detonated. In the explosion, he was nearly killed, and his family was safe. After that, he left the country in search of anything to help his family, who came with him. Once they arrived in Germany, which took nearly a month, they decided to settle down in Berlin, in a shabby house, built of the ruined materials from the wreckage of buildings
Place of Origin: Arstotzka
Main Equipment (see rules): An old SVD with 2 magazines, as well as a Markov PM with 2 magazines
Faction: None
Identifier (Text code or just what will be used to specify the character):
I like this one, #D20000
It's been 25 years since the bombs, how was he inspector at age 12?
Accepted. Though, if you wanted him to be younger, Arstotzka could've been outside of the bomb's reach and he only escaped after the bombs went off.
Fair enough
Maybe he was an inspector until like 1993 or something, and that's when he heard the news, and wanted to get out
Thanks for that
So I can take away a lot of the time, and he could be 37 again

Yeah. Considering the Soviet Union still likely fell in 1991, Arstotzka could've been somewhere around south-west USSR pre-collapse.
Posting here to watch the thread and remind myself to make a character when I have the brain capacity to do so.
You expect me to have patience for anything after the 8 or so RPs I've made have all either died on arrival or died someways into them?
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