Single Thread RP Aleph

Animus Viral

Torch God
Right, so I made yet another RP, thank you very little.
Reason, I'm bored.
Here's a Q and A sort of thing.
Q: Why did you make this?
A: I just said I'm bored.

Q: I don't think I'll be joining.
A: Then don't. But don't go posting 'I don't think I'll be joining' in the RP because it will become very annoying to me. And don't post in the RP if you're not participating, because it's VERY agitating for me when that happens.

Q: Do you think it will even go well?
A: Nope. Just going to do what the hell I feel like it in this RP. Not going to be building to fight a predetermined boss, just going to be making a story I want, and if people want to participate, fine.

Q: Is this terraria or...?
A: IDK and IDC. It could be Minecraft, Fallout, whatever forest, as long as it has actual trees made of wood.

Q: Why is it single thread?
A: Same reason as with CA in the early days, I'm lazy to do that.

Q: Is it just going to be just you or...?
A: Yes unless other people join. I'll be posting around hourly intervals. The intervals can be shortened if people actually participate, but since people probably won't, IDC.

Q: Is this freeform?
A: Yes. As long it does not conflict with my sea reaper events, there can be literally a combination of Hyrule, Diamond City, and whatever there is existing here. I will go against all unauthorized OP things however.

Q: Are you angry?
A: Yes.

Q: Why?
A: People say they don't know how to freaking help RPs when they don't even fricking join.

Q: Why is Vincent and Phoenix there when Planeswalk-?
A: I have an in-multiverse story for it. It's going to appear in my lore later so be patient.

Q: Other questions and stuff.
A: Look, I'm steamed. I put a lot of work into all my other RPs but no one seem to care. I make a large story ready to play out, then I have to pull the goddamn plug on it all. So, I'm just going to make it where no matter what, the story will not end until it does properly. Even if no one else is participating.
*Teleportation through dimensional gate*
"Where are we?"
"I think..."
*...That is a few meters above sea level.*

*Both lands on the ground*
"Gah... Are you trying to kill us?"
"[Imitating a gravelly voice]Bugger! That was not expected, perhaps it might have been something else. Since it put us off by few meters."
"[sarcastic]You are quite the taskmage."
"[Still in the voice]You have much to learn. Wise man once said, you can lead an ostrich to water, but you-"
"Wha-? Look, that's enough. Can't you speak normally?"
"[VOICE INTENSIFIES]I speak like this when on mission!"
"I really wish you wouldn't. It's really irritating."
"Ah, cloaked man speak with tongue of butter knifes."
"W h a a a t ?"
"Okay, okay. In order to get to the very source of the sea reaper scourge, we will first have to go to Blindman's Volcano. I can sense it is north, and on an island by itself. In order to to do that, we need to steal a reaperski, or as you'd like to put it, jetski, from the sea reaper base on the shoreline."
"How do you know all this?"
"Let's just say my abilities with Voronos help."
"What is-?"
"Look, that's not important, and something I don't want to discuss about my past. I should have never mentioned it. What is important is wiping out the sea reaper scourge."
"Okay... Ready?"
"Wait! You must first build a base. It will keep you well protected, and a place to make a stand at."
"Same as before?"
"Not exactly. Our magic powers don't seem to be limited as much as the other world. So that helps. But we can't just go building everything out of nothing. Otherwise our mana gets too drained for the upcoming battle against the sea reapers. Use it in moderation. We will also need to use nearby resources in order to make up not using our mana outright."
"Right... So where are we going to build a base, if you're basically the expert here?"
"Where a charger is at, come on."

*Following and leading later.*

"A charger."

A monstrous cross of bull, rhino, and triceratops growls in an area, destroying any nearby plants for consumption. There are hills surrounding this area, with four open sides to the area here, each opening in a cardinal direction.

"What in the world...? I've never seen that before!"
"Well, for good reason. I've seen some outside of this world, and I could tell without needing my abilities thanks to the tracks this thing makes. It's not very subtle, especially when it charges."
"Well, what now?"
"You're going to have to kill that charger. This territorial creature will rarely leave the area it has chosen to settle in. So we'll need it dead before anything else. It will charge at any trespassers who violate his privacy. The charger's huge body and great speed make sure that the target will be rent upon impact or, if unlucky enough to survive, will be sent flying in the air and will land meters away. Be extremely careful of its charge when facing the beast. It can rip you to pieces if it gets near you.

Oh, yes, and most importantly, aim for its mouth when it opens. That is the only part of its body that can be harmed. The mouth opens when it charges at you."
"Oh of course. You going to help?"
"You have gauntlets that can fire energy bolts. I have a sword. So no on with destroying it, but I can help heal you, so I can help indirectly with killing it."
"Seriously? That's all?"
"Yes, unfortunately. Now come on. Kill it before it destroys this place to the point where we can't use it."
"Okay, time to become bait."

Walks into the view of the Charger. The Charger was angered, as it sensed an intruder, and charged at the intruder, only to get a bolt of lightning into its mouth.

"Watch out!"

The warning came to later, for the Charger still ran and smashed into Vincent, knocking him back into the rocks that surrounded this place.
"Yeah, it really hurts when it charges, doesn't it."
Helps Vincent up.

"Well, got a bolt into its mouth."
"Rinse and repeat."
"Yeah, yeah."
Just the bolt was enough to alert a innocent-looking girl, seemingly troubled about something, as well as some sort of bandit, to step into scene, former concerned about the smashes and stuff, latter sensing some sort of profitable fight. (Halt - dark-gray, Agnes - teal)
- "Seems like trouble is there. Don't worry, Halbvatr should take care of them... as well as net me some loot."
- "Huh? Somebody's hurt? Where's anyone?"
Both of them entered the area, the suspicious looking bandit trying to shoot at the girl.
- "No witnesses allowed."
- "I... scratch it, I don't feel well..." - Just as bolt would've killed her, she fainted and tumbled to the ground, dodging a deadly projectile as well... well as the bolt initially flying at the girl was shooting at a Charger.

Weapon compendium:
Halbvatr - crossbow operating with recoilable force, a pocket 'ballista' due to the recoil and the velocity letting the user hit targets in almost instant.
The bolt gets hit and lodged into the charger's torso. Taking notice, it turns around to face the new intruder. It is not charging, so its mouth is not open.

"Seems there are others here. Best we kill the charger before it gets out of hand. We'll see who else is here after its defeated."
*Runs to get a better position to fire another bolt of electricity when the charger begins to charge again. With Phoenix basically in tow.*
Halt let a sigh, as if he didn't intend to draw attention. Using his gusting powers, he helped himself go over the obstacle, he was sure to withstand the attack, and reloaded the crossbow. Something weird is happening to Agnes, though, as if she's shrinking.

(Yup, ripped straight from CoPKMN)
The charger again charges, only to be shocked in the mouth from Vincent's position, again attracting it right back to Vincent. Turning again.

"Right, so how long till this thing dies?"
"Well, another shot should get it, since it's basically a headshot. Then again, it's the only non-armored part of the charger, unless..."
"Unless what?"
"Don't ask about somewhere that doesn't shine."
"....Huh? Wha-...Oh great... you're giving me nightmares."
"Get ready for it to charge again."
Halt, having finished reloading, not noticing agnes turning into Snivy, shot the Halbvatr again at the part of being he felt it should be weak. Maybe he didn't hear it, but he knew how to prioritize. That is, unless his calculations were flawed, and he didn't score a shot in the weak point.
(Unless you're talking in the place that doesn't shine, uh... Well it's not going to be a killing blow but it would cause an little lots of ginormous excruciating pain that will last for a very long time while it would be stuck in there. plus, as said, it doesn't have its mouth open unless charging.)

It charges, and Vincent again unleashes electricity bolts again. Unless you fired at its mouth at this very time. Either way, charger dies.
"Well, that's done."
"Seems like it. But there would be something else that is here, since why would the charger face away from us while we are here?"
(No, Halt didn't shoot it at the mouth. This is why there was a last part.)

Halt definitely was right - his calculations were flawed a bit. But not only there. He had to deal with these two too. He started reloading the crossbow threateningly, preparing his winds in his favour. And that's all while Agnes was like... halfway turned.
- "Yeah, no, they don't pay to leave you alive either. Well, the circumstances." - Halt spoke up.

((TSHoK battle theme plays, as not every teammate will have as nice meeting as Faressain did.))
"Oh bloody hell."
*Gauntlets buzzing with energy.*
"No mercy then."
*Draws sword quickly, and assumes a battle stance in a less than a second, because iaido.*
Halt let a voice thundering leave from his mouth. - "You seem like brave people. But also very stupid. See, I would cut your pain short if you just kindly stood to die." - I'm lying, they definitelly wouldn't be stupid enough to not band themselves, and they also have magic and a weapon. Will make it an interesting match, though. - After he finished reloading, he took aim and shot at the swordsman kneecap, hoping to cripple the leg.

And then Agnes was fully turned into that grassy lizard.
She reacted immediately at the shot, jumping to the side. Despite this, she still got shot in the leg.
Ack! Okay... Voronos, don't fail me now.

Vincent reacted by firing electric bolt from one gauntlet aimed at Halt's left, then using a secondary bolt from his second to fire at Halt's torso.
"Electricity is like a symphony and I am the conductor. And it's only the first movement."
Once finished with the attack, he attempted to circle Halt to find a different area to aim.

Her thoughts immediately calculated certain things.
If the bolts were to miss, then the other being would surely get enough time to reload, and would be able to use the smoke that could be caused by the electric sparks to cloak himself.
If the bolts hit, then it would leave him shocked, but unsure if he can respond that fast or not.
If he simply dodged, then still can reload while Vincent is circling.

What would be the correct movement that could get her near to use her blade?
She then ran at Halt, slowed by the arrow, but in a pattern. The pattern being a zig zag.
Halt had decided to calculate stuff.
Yeah, I could dodge stuff, but that wouldn't be that interesting.
If I got hit... no, I can't afford that.
If he missed his magic, his bad, he could even kill the one who I intended to kill. Ha, wouldn't it be funny?
But... I'm not sure, I could try gusting it around.

His calculations had decided to try a madman thing - deflecting electricity with his own gusts of winds. (Only you say if it's successful or not, Animus.) That's while he began to reload, taking a note of a foe who tried to zig-zag him. He also let to gust her to try and trip her. (Also say if it's success or not.)
Unbalanced and weakened from the foot being shot it was able to trip her, but gave her information about knowing that the wind did not seem to be natural. She used the broadside of her sword as a way to block, and attempted to get back up again.

The electric bolts were weakened, but not completely. Only one hit, since one was to Halt's left, not at Halt directly, though it was not enough to fry nerves or anything special, it did give a quick and moderate amount of pain, due the bolt to being from only one gauntlet, not both.

His gauntlets charged with electricity again.
"[To himself] Not what I expected. [trailing off] Why I called it a theory..."
With that, he decided to charge, as in run towards Halt, then after about a minute or when seemingly close enough, suddenly stop and fire his gauntlets at Halt again while falling back, this time both gauntlets combined, attempting to fake out him into firing the crossbow at him for doing what seemed to be a reckless charge. Once on his back he would roll to his right and get up.
Halt, being taken into surprise, couldn't even fire a crossbow, having been shocked pretty badly before he was able to do so. Damnit, that was my weak point, always the one who rushes. He tried to get up, while assisting himself with gusts of winds to make the gauntlet man still pinned to the ground. Two is definitely too much. And if it couldn't be any worse, some weird dagger was stuck in his arm (a syringe from so-called Trebonth Science Apperture)
The wind was enough to pin him down for a few moments, though he is very much, slowly getting up, but winds pushing him down keeps resetting his progress with that. Plus the metal gauntlets for some reason now felt heavy when trying to get up against the wind, now that he was unable to discharge any electricity without it probably backfiring.
"I may have miscalculated there."

Phoenix slowly moved closer, making sure to keep an eye on Halt as she moved closer. She was basically using the sword as you would a climbing pick, I guess, to resist the wind while her foot was wounded. Obviously, she did not count on any surprise tactics, since she was literally in the open, simply slow progress.
Halt finally, after a long moment, got up, just to get unexpectedly vine-whipped by Agnes of all the people currently there, making him feel more pain. And Agnes to close her mouth with now a... err... a stubby arm? And this had reset his progress too.
Phoenix is confused about the vine attack, but she continued limping forward.

Still fighting the wind if its still there. If it's not, then dazed from being forced down to the ground.
Halt tried to shoot the Halbvatr at Agnes's head, but she must've either had a ninja abilities, or Halt's being dazed from the syringe, as the bolt missed her narrowly, making her... make an infuriated Snivy noises. - "Ah damnit, now I'm out of bolts... gah!" - Just as he missed it, he slammed Agnes into a tree, making her injured.
Getting close enough and wincing in pain, Phoenix, using this moment while Halt was, at least, partly focused on Agnes, attempts to slam Halt with her sword.
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