Other Allow the music toggle to be saved


Hi, is it by any chance possible to keep the toggled music in the drunk world seed (5162020) to be saved when quitting the world? From time to time I enjoy to listen to the classic osts over the otherworld and vice versa. Thing is that it's quite annoying how I'm forced to travel to the party girl and interact with her everytime I enter the world just to change the music.
If they see this, can any devs please consider making the Party Girl's music toggle permanent in drunkWorldGen? :joy:

The music is wonderful! Having enjoyed it years ago, now I'd like to make another new world with this fun secret seed and also enjoy the classic music. There is a toggle, but it is annoying to find the Party Girl every time I log in.

This is no big deal. It just feels like it was meant to be a permanent toggle anyway, but is maybe even bugged.
Having the option to choose what music you want when creating any world would also be nice. There could be a toggle in the world creation menu (unlocked after visiting a drunk world) and when you select the Otherworldly music option the bunny in the world creation image could get a party hat.
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