Blocks & Decoration An idea for a new trap


This is simply an idea for a trap/arrow shooting block that allows players to put any type of arrow in the trap. (Similar to the Minecraft Dispenser)

The actual block looks just like a typical underground arrow trap except it is tinted a slight blue tinge. You can interact with the trap by right clicking on it and there are 4 slots for arrows.

Like the normal traps, this player trap can be activated by wires.

Thanks for reading, goodbye!
What do you mean by 'one shot player'?

"One shotting"= Killing in one hit. A Holy Arrow trap would turn :red:es inside-out when people fell for them.

But then again, if it's "a bunch" of holy arrows, then it isn't really one-shotting, unless you want this to shoot arrows in a shotgun spread.
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