tModLoader Anarchist Mod


Anarchist Mod

Latest public release of the mod is available on the Mod Browser

No wiki is available at the moment. If you have any questions use the link below to join the Discord.

Visit the Discord for more information

The mod is a passion project of myself and adds just a bunch of content that I want to add. I don't plan on turning this into any sort of official thing like how Calamity, Thorium, and the other big content mods do it. I'd prefer to just work on it at my own speed, mostly by myself, and add things that I want or things I like that people suggest.

What does the mod add?
-9 new bosses
-1000+ items including
-A handful of new enemies
-3 new Town NPCs
-A new class
-A new difficulty titled Anarchy Mode
-Post Moon Lord content with more on the way
-And various Quality of Life changes

forum page assorted stuff.png

Disclaimer: The spoiler does not show all the content in the mod

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Kookie Monster
Maikli Messes

Aden Mayo
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wow! Amazing!
Also the boss Void is too dark , it is hard to find a good place to fight with Void, maybe i should paint a large white walls in my world :guidetongue:
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Is the Nose of Cthulhu purely just a joke boss? I think it's just a little bit odd because while I haven't played thru the mod yet, I've been taking a look at the items and bosses and the Nose of Cthulhu just sticks out like a sore thumb for what seems like mostly a serious mod. Despite that however, the mod looks super compelling and the mechanics seem super interesting, especially the "dark" and "light" magic element.
I finished the mod process nowdays, I think the void series are too dark for me, especially for Void shard which I can not see it in my dirctory :guidetongue:
I like the mod so far but i have one problem with it and its the fact that with a class specialization some weapon effects just dont work like some arrows i get throu other mods or some weapons even when its a class related item or effect
I'm confused every time I try and fight skeleton, I get one hit and it looks like he's like a guardian I can't run away(because he's too fast), is there some kind of glitch? now that I can't kill him, I can't craft anything with bone marrow which seems very important for a lot of stuff, it also has nothing to do with the 1 hit boss item, which was turned off
Can anyone tell me how did this anarchy mod work.
I mean the mod have already been enable when playing the mode or do i have to enable it myself?
Do i have to defeat specific boss first to activate it?
Also i have been fighting the boss multiple times for the treasure bag to get the item with lable anarchy but none of the treasure bag drop it.
Is there is a problem that i don't know or i forgot to do?:guidesigh::guideeek:
hey soooo i tried downloading in on 1.3 cuz it looks cool but for some reason it wont actually download, any help pls?
edit: never mind i found it out lol
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quick question: if i manually enable almost all of the options in mod config i can play and die just fine but if i activate and then die to basically anything my game crashes. when i reload the game all of my inventory items including my default tools pretty much just vanish from the game and i have no idea why this is happening. i included the crash log for anyone who can try to figure it out


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