Glasia hit a 900 HP enemy 17 times with 100 damage each and the enemy still lived.
Glasia got caught by a speed trap... while walking at 29 km/h in a 30 km/h zone
Glasia writes 1x Hi in the chat and gets marked as spam
Glasia broke the registry without using regedit.exe
Glasia works alone in a pair
Glasia lost russian roulette with a fully empty revolver and got 30 damage
Glasia deleted entirely MS office from a Windows PC
Glasia came to "Ups die Pannenshow" (TV series about fails) by overtaking Usain Bolt in 100 meters race
Glasia's soup falls through the spoon
Glasia says G after saying A
Glasia's 3 day growth of beard takes 3 months
Glasia was 5 months in corona quarantine with a negative test
Glasia gets mislead by the GPS... the GPS told Go 10 km straight then you reached the destination
Glasia can crash remote PCs with only a hand motion
Glasia got denied from Akatsuki for being too evil by just demonstrating German language
Glasia gets 404 error when visiting
Glasia can watch films on a floppy disk.
Glasia missed the bus two times in a row
Glasia gives RPM to an SSD
Glasia wins Germany's next topmodel with a BMI of 21.6
Glasia draws a losing ticket in a lottery that says "No losing tickets, everyone wins"
Glasia can't help goblins to open an unlocked chest
Glasia beat the Queen in drinking tea etiquette in tea time in 1994 being German even if he was born 10 years later.
Glasia's system files are in G:\Windows\System23
Glasia can break software using karate
Glasia wears a dress as a male because he got bullied for wearing a suit. Now the movie is known as The dress.
Glasia crashed a car at 0 km/h
Glasia got denied from fire department because of poledance and got denied from pole dance because he wears weather-appropriate clothing
Glasia had an accepted ban appeal but was not unbanned
Glasia has light skin and got called the slur against dark skinned people and was hated in Germany for being German
Glasia would have been denied by German fascists in 1933 for being too German
Glasia did not fall in love after 11:06 minutes on parship and underflew arithmetically the match number in Tinder (< -2147483648)
Glasia assassinated 23 people by accident
Glasia's PDF reader on Windows 10 refuses to read any PDF
What are your jokes about impossible fails, lmk by starting it with Glasia...