Ask a Sad Flower Anything (but keep it to Rampart alrite)

There's an entire philosophical current started by a guy named Sartre called Existentialism, and it's really cool to read or even watch some videos about

well, if you're on the internet, and you're talking to people, and you're laughing, you're screwed.

there are a couple options to express laughter, there's the timeless haha which works for most occasions but is terribly bland. there are variations of that, some of which I enjoy, such as bwahah, nyeheh, and most importantly, nyahah~

some others prefers acronyms such as lol, lmao, lmfao, etc. some others use emotes or smileys. and sure, they can either describe that you are laughing right now, or show the emotion of laughing, but that's about it

i use the keysmash.

the keysmash is the perfect expression of the uncontrollable, genuine laughter, which is to me simply a burst of pleasant sounds in a randomized order. it's adequate and i love it
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