Ask me and my "Player Wannabe" and Psychotic Pacifist OCs anything

<To you> Did you choose Artemis as the Hunter's original name since Artemis is the Greek god of the hunt?
You know the "Well yes, but actually no." meme? I think this is the perfect time to use it.

I used it because of the Greek goddess, but I got the idea from the book series Artemis Fowl. In the third book the villain asks "Isn't that a girl's name?" as an insult to injury remark before leaving. (The main character is a boy.) Near the end of the book Artemis says something along the lines of, "And about my name, yes, it is a girl's name, but when a boy shows enough skill in the hunt then he earns that name and I have earned that name." Knowing it's supposed to be a girl's name but knowing it from a boy character makes me think of it as a name that works for anyone and Hunter has a history with accidentally drinking Gender Change Potions, so you can see why that felt important.

If you want to ask about the last name, I knew someone in Kindergarten with the last name Hunter and he's the Hunter, so his name is partially Hunter already. Why not go with the obvious and make it his original "official" too?

What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done, that you're willing to share?
One time I told someone their hair looked classy. I didn't get why she didn't think it was a compliment until after she left and my mom said it was rude to say someone's hair looked plastic. I have no idea how saying classy can sound like saying plastic, but it happened.

Any time I forget I can do stuff to opponents and stall until they use Struggle instead of ending the "battle" "quickly".

Before I had my second curse, the one that lets me control myself but keeps me in fox form, I laughed at hearing things I did during the full moon. The best ones were the times I chased grenades. It went from funny to embarrassing when I did that one time after the second curse...
If you could design a painting for my epic mod, just anything that's either a 3x3 or 3x2 (Wide by tall, also I haven't figured out how to make any other sizes yet), and I mean anything, (Just not no-no stuff) what would it be?
If you could design a painting for my epic mod, just anything that's either a 3x3 or 3x2 (Wide by tall, also I haven't figured out how to make any other sizes yet), and I mean anything, (Just not no-no stuff) what would it be?
First idea: Climmy's idea.
Second idea: The Anthro Fox from your mod meeting a non-anthro fox for the first time.
Third idea: The Painter making a painting of the painting he's in. (The painting in the painting will also have him painting the painting and...)

A Summoner drinking tea while their minions are either fighting or being intimidating.

Are there scratch and sniff paintings?
No, but scented paint is an interesting idea.
Oh, something bright and colorful then...
If you could add a Pokémon to Terraria as a pet (other than Pikachu because Volt Bunny already exists), which Pokémon would you choose?
If it's completely vanilla, Altaria because it's my favorite and a Cloud Bird/Dragon would be something new.

If it's done by a resource pack, this isn't a pet, but Zoroark Zoologist. For the "human" sprite, you'd just need to change the hair color and maybe a ponytail pretty low on her hair. I don't know how to change dialogue, but it'd be funny to make her talk in Pokemon speak when her Illusion breaks... Hmm... Maybe there could be a few changed to the Golfer too, like his Blood Moon quote about his sister and changing his Shimmer form to a Zoroark too. Speaking of Shimmer, Hisuian Zoroark would be a really good Shimmer version.

Now that I'm thinking about Resource Packs, Wooloo replacing the Snow Flinx Summon would be funny.


Pyukumuku is adorable! Most people would think it's in as a joke like a pet rock though... I mean a rock rock, not a Rock Pokemon.


Ninetales. There's not many other foxes around here and I'm not afraid of a thousand year curse. My first two curses are pretty awesome, so how bad could abother be?
Didn't you say you took the curse that keeps you in fox form because you needed a way to stop changing into an out of control fox monster? I'm pretty sure Ninetales would love to make you lose control of your fox form again, which, needless to say, would be a slightly bigger problem than it was before.
Um... What would you pick for me?
Anything the Nurse would pick. Audino?
I thought you'd know Pokemon that are really good at healing.
I said Audino, not I don't know. Audino is practically a nurse.
Yeah. It can be confusing.

<To you and Climmy> Does Climmy live in a Pokemon world like the games or the anime?
In theory, he's based on the game's character and game mechanics. In practice... Games for in "battle" stuff but Anime for the insanity he pulls off. Then again, flipping potted plants for loot is how I interpreted finding hidden items in potted plants.

My life being an anime would explain a lot. Also, some of the Undyne cosplayers I lead against Team Rocket screamed, "Anime is real!" Maybe they were more right than they could have possibly imagined.
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Can any of you play an instrument?
It's been long enough that I've probably forgotten, but I know some piano.

Do instruments of torture count?

I'm a literally a blood thirsty monster and I think that's messed up.
Oh, right. You don't get the reference. By the way, they don't count.

I'm not allowed to make music. People don't like it when I sing.
If you played it, I'm not sorry. :guidetongue:
Kinda a lame question, I'm surprised no one's asked it, but are you left handed or right handed?
Right handed. When I was in Kindergarten I thought another kid was cool because he was left handed.

Right handed. I'm pretty sure most Trainers are right handed. The only exceptions I can think of is Professor Turo and maybe some Twins.

I'm north handed.
I prefer whichever hand is north.
It's normal.
How do you even tell which way is north all the time?
I just do. Can you not tell?

I know I have no right to say this, but you're crazy if you think that's normal.

(Sorry for taking so long to reply. Was off the forums because of dealing with anger and sleep issues.)
That sounds rough; I hope things get better!

To lighten the mood: What's something good that's happened to you lately?
Thanks. :guidesmile:

To lighten the mood: What's something good that's happened to you lately?
I started playing Pokemon TCG Pocket.

I've gotten 2 Full Card Art Dragonite and it's a pretty awesome card when you get to play it. As much as I hate relying on RNG, Dragonite is powerful enough that it's fun instead of frusterating. 200 RNG Damage is still 200 Damage! My strategy is pretty much let other Pokemon take damage until they faint so I can focus on putting Energy on Dragonite. The problem with using Dragonite is what fodder do you use? Dragon Type is Pokemon TCG's version of multicolor and Dragonite's evolution Chain needs Water and Electric Energy. That rules out anything that needs multipule of one because you can and will get unlucky with what Energy you get. Until I get Vaporeon or a second Jolteon, I'm using Weezing, which sounds like a terrible idea when it's a Dark type. (Poison Types are Dark in the TCG because they don't have all 18 types because all 18 would be a nightmare.) Well, you can chose what Energies your deck has instead of just the automatic and I don't use Dark Energy. It means Weezing can't Attack, but its Ability can poison the opponent's active Pokemon, which is a lot like an attack that doesn't need Energy. I thought it was a crazy idea and I'd need to test it a lot in Single Player before even considering using it... Then I lost to a Dragonite deck that had Weezing.

The most insane luck I've had is probably the 4 Gengar EX I opened from packs. I haven't opened a normal Gengar and the last one was right before my second Gastly and Haunter. I stopped opening the Mewtwo Packs so I wouldn't open a fifth one and switched between the Pikachu and Charizard packs. Right now I'm oppening Pikachu packs for Metapod and Jolteon. Anyway, if 4 Gengar EX isn't the most insane luck then it's defintly my 2 Pikachu EXs. They're the 3 Star Rarity versions. (1-4 Diamond Rarity are "normal" cards, but 1-3 Star and Crown Rarity are special art that take up the entire card. The 3 Star Pikachu is my favorate Pikachu EX art and there's something special about them you get to see if you open them or see them in a colection.)

Also, I opened an Full Art Nidoqueen while typing this wall of text and it's a serious contender for cutest art in the game.

Might as well put this here. If anyone else is playing and wants to add me to their friends list, my FC is 7213-1476-4812-7885 Please message me if your username here isn't the same a your name in the TCG. I'd rather not add someone if I have no idea who they are. (Unless they're the person that beat me with the Dragonitet+Weezing Deck.)

Someone challenged me and we waited for each other to make the first move. After something like 5 minutes I asked if we should send everyone out so they can hang out and not get bored. Even the Pokemon "battling" joined after a while. Eventually I think they forgot we were supposed to be having a battle. Best. Draw. Ever.

I've gone a week without dying!
You have?! I'm not even going to make fun of that. I'm getting you a chew toy based on Zacian's Sword.
*resisting excited screeching*
If you could force any being in existence to wear any outfit (of your choice) for the next 168 hours (1 week)


What outfit:

Any reason why:
I thought of a cruel answer as soon as I finished reading this.

Who: (Insert any evil person here)
What outfit: Birthday suit
Any reason why: So they get arrested for public indecency.

In case it needs to be explained, a birthday suit is what you were born wearing. In other words, just your skin. No clothes.

If I have to make them actually wear something, I'd go with something that will ruin their career. For example, if I chose someone racist, I'd make them wear... No. I'm not finishing that sentence. What I'm imagining to make it impossible to deny they're a racist is crossing so many lines that I'm sure I'd be banned from the forums for a month for saying it. (Probably just a week because it'd be my first offense, but I would not complain if it was a month.)

Who: Bruno (An extremely buff Fighting type specialist of Kanto's and Johto's Elite Four)
What outfit: A Fairy type specialist's costume
Any reason why: I just want to see if the most buff man ever can make it look good. Bonus points if he can make a good costume without a shirt! I know he hates shirts and I love seeing his abs.
It was either that or making a Dodrio dress as a Doduo. I might try to see if I could find one that would like to try that.

Who: The Arms Dealer
What outfit: A fox fursuit with targets in the fur pattern.
Any reason why: He's shot me enough times without good reasons. I want to see how he likes being killed for being a fox.

If I can't be that mean, I'd make the Princess wear Nebula Armor. She'd make the nebula powers look beautiful.

Bonus: I made the mistake of sharing this question with my mom. There were her answers.

Who: Me
What outfit: Furry costume
Any reason why: To see if I like it.

Before anyone asks about that, no comment... :guideeek:
Bonus: I made the mistake of sharing this question with my mom. There were her answers.

Who: Me
What outfit: Furry costume
Any reason why: To see if I like it.

Before anyone asks about that, no comment... :guideeek:

personally I'd have to do with
Who: myself
what outfit: overalls, multi-colored propellor hat, obligatory lollipop
reason: y e s .
Since it's any outfit of your choice, you could include a bunch of expensive, non-obstructive jewelry and sell it for lots of money after the week passes.

What's one or some of the strangest/flashiest outfits you've ever worn?
Since it's any outfit of your choice, you could include a bunch of expensive, non-obstructive jewelry and sell it for lots of money after the week passes.
That's another really good exploit! If I asked for Platinum jewelry and... Nope. I'm not overthinking jewelry. It's just shiny metals and pretty rocks. I could be overthinking more important things, like Pokemon.

What's one or some of the strangest/flashiest outfits you've ever worn?
A mask of duct tape. I forget why my sister put duct tape on my face, or if there even was a reason, but I kept asking for more and she kept on putting on more. (I was also wearing a T shirt and sweat pants, but those aren't important details.)

The time I wore my favorite Mario Odyssey outfit, a sombrero and boxers. I'd be sad to say that wasn't close to the top 10 crazy things done during the Goldenrod Raid if I hadn't claimed the number 1 spot with an impromptu bar mitzvah. The cosplay might have helped that being number 1, but I think it was crazy enough that it would have still been the craziest with a normal outfit.

Probably my normal outfit. A lot of people would say wearing a cursed mask on purpose is weird, but it keeps me in fox form, which is kind of flashy now that I think about it... My mask, jacket, and fake leg all use my shed and shaved fur and my blue jeans are on backwards with the fly down because it's a nice tail hole. It all makes sense to me, but I see why people think it's weird.
Anything you used to wear?
Yeah. When I was getting used to being a lycanthrope, sometimes I'd also wear party hats over my ears to muffle sounds.
What about the fake tail?
Uh... What are you taking about?
When your tail was shaved, you asked the Zoologist for a fake tail to cover y-
*slams hand over Climmy's mouth and snarls*
I'll shut up now.
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