Ask me and my "Player Wannabe" and Psychotic Pacifist OCs anything

In this world, it's kill or kille- get kill or have be kill-
Kill get killed or-
Why can't I say that
Because you're purposefully messing up. :guidetongue:

You might not realize it, but... This is a world where you don't have to fight. I know if we try, we can all find another way...
Is that another Undertale quote?
Well, kind of no. It's Deltarune.

Is that the sequel?
Maybe? The games are connected, but we don't know how.

Have you ever seen anyone get killed? I know that sounds weird, but it happens all the time for me. You might not be able to say it if it isn't true for you.

What is the most terrifying thing you have faced? (all three of you this time)
I've got to go with the thing that obliterated my faith in humanity, politics. I'm not even exaggerating. By the way, some people STILL have their campaign signs up! WHY?!

Maybe it would have been more light hearted to say my own mental issues instead...

Ghetsis, the leader of Team Plasma. That guy is the kind of guy who'd play Underetale, accidentally start the Genocide Route through sheer heartlessness, and never discover any other part of the game. He is pure megalomania.

One time I was talking about Pigrons and the Angler told me how to find a much bigger one, so I found a Truffle Worm and threw it into the ocean. I was not prepared for what emerged. The Princess says he spared me because I wasn't using a Fishing Rod and that they have tea on Thursdays. Duke Fishron was much less scary the second time.
What do you think of these videos? (Separate answer for each)
Fox Video:

You know that song that says "What does the fox say?" Every fox video says something different.

That's one weird Thievul. I love that little guy!

Do you want to to translate the fox noises?

Pipe Video:

Starts with a cute joke, (not that funny IMO but I still have to admit it's cute) then it just keeps getting lower quality. The lower the quality, the worse it gets.

So relatable... *sighs at TV remote*

I don't want to talk about why this is relatable...
I knew those weren't Ninetale's bite marks!
To Hunter, have you ever encountered a mechanically enhanced Queen Bee in the jungle? I have heard that in some places, a plague can befall the Jungle after it's guardian has fallen. It is a truly sad story, the tale of an enslaved Queen Bee.

An innocent queen, forced to bear an agonizing existence. This is nothing short of a crime against nature.
Without consulting me, Draedon sought to weaponize the already well-organized Jungle bees.
When he revealed his finished project, I was enraged. He had ended up enslaving them, it was despicable. Vile even.
Draedon cared little for my outrage and returned to his other work without further incident.
From that point on, I stopped making requests of Draedon. He had shown me his true colors….
In my later days I was far from virtuous. But I would never shackle a creature to fight in my name.
That would make me no better than the divine scoundrels I pursued.

-Plaguebringer Goliath lore
To Hunter, have you ever encountered a mechanically enhanced Queen Bee in the jungle? I have heard that in some places, a plague can befall the Jungle after it's guardian has fallen. It is a truly sad story, the tale of an enslaved Queen Bee.

An innocent queen, forced to bear an agonizing existence. This is nothing short of a crime against nature.
Without consulting me, Draedon sought to weaponize the already well-organized Jungle bees.
When he revealed his finished project, I was enraged. He had ended up enslaving them, it was despicable. Vile even.
Draedon cared little for my outrage and returned to his other work without further incident.
From that point on, I stopped making requests of Draedon. He had shown me his true colors….
In my later days I was far from virtuous. But I would never shackle a creature to fight in my name.
That would make me no better than the divine scoundrels I pursued.

-Plaguebringer Goliath lore
Is that a Calamity reference????/???
To Hunter, have you ever encountered a mechanically enhanced Queen Bee in the jungle? I have heard that in some places, a plague can befall the Jungle after it's guardian has fallen. It is a truly sad story, the tale of an enslaved Queen Bee.

An innocent queen, forced to bear an agonizing existence. This is nothing short of a crime against nature.
Without consulting me, Draedon sought to weaponize the already well-organized Jungle bees.
When he revealed his finished project, I was enraged. He had ended up enslaving them, it was despicable. Vile even.
Draedon cared little for my outrage and returned to his other work without further incident.
From that point on, I stopped making requests of Draedon. He had shown me his true colors….
In my later days I was far from virtuous. But I would never shackle a creature to fight in my name.
That would make me no better than the divine scoundrels I pursued.

-Plaguebringer Goliath lore
Nope. Normal Bees are very annoying and the Queen Bee is really tough, but mechanical enhancements sounds like it'd be a nightmare.

yo what's your favorite type of cat
House cat. I'm a cat person and am afraid of dogs, but for some reason I like big canines more than big cats. (Is big canine even the right term? Foxes are pretty small.)

Floragato looks cool and I'm not just saying that because of my bias for anyone who can use Leech Seed. Seriously, they'd still be my favorite cat if they couldn't learn it.

Desert Tigers are awesome! Sometimes I borrow the Hero's Desert Tiger Staff for a hunting partner and see who can bag more game.

Why is your name all caps?
It feels right for an abbreviation. It it wasn't an abbreviation then I'd only make the first letter would be caps. (Or first letter of each word if it's more than 1 word.) CTNC is short for Climmy the Necromancer/Noob Cat.

You didn't say this question is just for me, so my OCs will answer too. :guidetongue:

Now that I think about it, I think I've seen my name in all caps a lot more after becoming champion. I guess that kind of thing happens on scoreboards and stuff like that.

Are people writing my name in all caps? Why?
The guy who made it sounds about as nice as the mechanical bees. Maybe even a little less nice.
Wait until you see his zenith fabrications, Hunter. You would stand no chance against Are's weaponry, Thanatos's devastating lasers, and Artemis and Apollo's terrifying teamwork.
What living traditional farm animals have you touched before?
I'm pretty sure just Chicken. My mom has a friend with chickens I think I've learned how to do a pretty good chicken imitation from listening.
There's a dairy farm next to a road I need to go through to get to town, so I could probably try to pet a cow if I hopped out the car and reached through the fence. I won't do it, but it would be an easy enough second one.
Cats and dogs are common enough on farms that they're worth mentioning even if they don't count.

Related to the one farm animal I've touched: My favorite quote about chickens is from a T Shirt. "I don't have OCD I just oh look a chicken."

I think it's save to say that there's enough variety in what challengers use that I can say I've seen all of them. One advantage of being Champion is people are a lot more likely to pet their Pokemon, so I've probably petted most if not all of them. One down side is some Pokemon are sore losers, so I've probably been attacked by a lot of them. Still worth the bitten hand every time.
Is that why your hand is bandaged?
Nope. It's from hand feeding Steelix.

How many of the Zoologist's pets are farm animals?
If you had to remove 3 colors, which would they be (please not specific colors but as a group, e.g. not sky blue, just regular blue)
If you had to remove 3 colors, which would they be (please not specific colors but as a group, e.g. not sky blue, just regular blue)
Removing 3 colors from existence?! Um... That's a hard one. It'd be easy if it was just one because it's so easy to make ugly shades of yellow, but...

*remembers something very interesting*

On second thought. This is surprisingly easy, you might get a headache if you look into me answer, and I'm not sorry. :guidetongue: I'm starting with my OCs this time because their answers are much shorter and much less brain breaking.

Black, white, and gray. I'm sure reality can have the absence of light and the purest pressence of light removed...
I should never be trusted with the divine powers of creation and I hope to be smited before I can get them...
Anyway, gray is because it's between black and white.

Purple, brown, and lime. Those are the colors of the corruption.
Doesn't lime count as green?
The color of natural plants is not the same as the color of Cursed Flames.

This feels like cheating, but Impossible Colors are colors that can only be seen by messing with the human brain.

For my first two picks, I need to explain how the color magenta exists. You know every different color is a different wavelength of light? Well, going by that definition, magenta arguably doesn't exist. There's no wavelength for magenta. Human eyes can detect red, green, and blue in that order. Something that reflects or shines red and green light is yellow because that color is at the edges of what the red and green detection can pick up and something that's yellow and blue is green for the same kind of reason. Red and blue are far enough appart that something that reflects/shines red and blue doesn't form a color that's close enough to one of them, so the human brain creates a color that's not a wavelength of light. However, the human brain can also comprohend a mix of red and green that isn't yellow as well as a mix of yellow and blue that isn't green. My first two picks are red-green and yellow-blue because removing impossible colors doesn't change much.

I was goig to say something like Hyperbolic Orange for my third pick, but I think that might count as a type of orange. I'm going with yellow my third pick. It's so easy to make so ugly.

If impossible colors aren't allowed, here's my three picks:

Yellow. Again.
My second pick is brown because it's another color easy to make ugly.
Magenta, as explained earlier, arguably isn't even a color because colors are differnt wavelenghts of light and there's no wavelenght for magenta, (It's a mix of red and blue that isn't purple) so making it not exsist makes the arguably part not matter.

Inferred and ultraviolet could be another loophole because we can't see those colors, but I'm not messing with them. There's cool sientific stuff with them. I'm not messing with cool sientific stuff!
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