Ask me anything, I think

cats are the best
I got two kittens
purple is epic
I'd say... truffle, followed by princess and pirate... and stylist and zoologist and traveling merchant... there are so many!

Although I may have to go with Clothier just because I like all of the wacky costumes in the game.
dye trader may be my fav... especially when he gives you cool stuff from strange plants!
Would you prefer to cast quick spells like fireballs, ice shards, stone boulders and such, or use magic powers to materialize various long-lasting weapons and tools such as lighting daggers and water whips?
Would you prefer to cast quick spells like fireballs, ice shards, stone boulders and such, or use magic powers to materialize various long-lasting weapons and tools such as lighting daggers and water whips?
My instinct is to say kind of a mix. I would prefer to use buff spells on my allies and let them do the hard work. If they are really in a pinch I might use the quick spells like fireballs
I am bored, ask me anything! Literally anything.
How precisely do I ask you a question? Is it possible for it to be anything? OR IS IT EVERYTHING? I'm not sure, you see, if I ask you anything, there's a chance I won't get anything, I probably won't get a genuine response, so if I ask you anything, which I doubt I can, would you respond to everything, well probably not, because everything is everything and anything is anything, but everything can be ANYTHING, so is everything anything? no. I don't believe so.
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