Ask me something!


The Destroyer
Hai! You can ask me everything, if it doesn't includes sexual things or personal information (you can still ask me about my life) so there we go! ask!
Would you rather have a mustache that talks on it's own accord or butthair that makes fart noises 24/7

Would you rather have ear hair that makes annoying noises all day all week or nosehair that smells of death and worse

if you could add or improve anything to your body(extra limbs, faster/stronger muscles) what would it be and why?

How would you imagine your life to be if you had tastebuds in your butthole?

if you could bring the things you draw to life, what would you draw and why?

if you could have any super power, what would you do with them?

Vampires or werewolves?

Dogs or cats?

Would you like to see a Shrek vanity in Terraria?

If you encountered a walking, talking banana down the street, how would you call your new bestest friend?

If you rolled up inside a pizza to become a human pizza burrito, would you be a happy human pizza burrito?

Do you like pizza?

If you could take the place of an inanimate object of choice, becoming able to decide when you'd open/close (in case of a door) , what would you be and why?

If you woke up one day and found yourself having entered another reality; where everything is completely different, however with the same people in it, where they have no knowledge of previous reality, while you do.. What would you do?

If you had to pick 1 youtube song video to be your theme, what video would it be?

If you had a small portal you could reach into that enabled you to retrieve any object fitting through it, both fictional and real, what would you take and why? (imagine the portal-hole to be the size of a missing brick in a brick wall)

What would you have if you gained the powers and abilities from the last character you played as?

if you could have any mythical creature (dragons and :red:) as a pet as loyal and peaceful as a dog, what would it be and why?

If you had a split personality, and each one controlled 1 half of your face, which of you would do what?

If you could pick any mask to replace your current face with, what mask would it be?

If you were the cause of the apocalypse, how would you do it?

In all seriousness though, where did you come up with the username frous?
I just was thinking on a Freezer and there it is.
Would you rather have a mustache that talks on it's own accord or butthair that makes fart noises 24/7

Would you rather have ear hair that makes annoying noises all day all week or nosehair that smells of death and worse

if you could add or improve anything to your body(extra limbs, faster/stronger muscles) what would it be and why?

How would you imagine your life to be if you had tastebuds in your butthole?

if you could bring the things you draw to life, what would you draw and why?

if you could have any super power, what would you do with them?

Vampires or werewolves?

Dogs or cats?

Would you like to see a Shrek vanity in Terraria?

If you encountered a walking, talking banana down the street, how would you call your new bestest friend?

If you rolled up inside a pizza to become a human pizza burrito, would you be a happy human pizza burrito?

Do you like pizza?

If you could take the place of an inanimate object of choice, becoming able to decide when you'd open/close (in case of a door) , what would you be and why?

If you woke up one day and found yourself having entered another reality; where everything is completely different, however with the same people in it, where they have no knowledge of previous reality, while you do.. What would you do?

If you had to pick 1 youtube song video to be your theme, what video would it be?

If you had a small portal you could reach into that enabled you to retrieve any object fitting through it, both fictional and real, what would you take and why? (imagine the portal-hole to be the size of a missing brick in a brick wall)

What would you have if you gained the powers and abilities from the last character you played as?

if you could have any mythical creature (dragons and :red:) as a pet as loyal and peaceful as a dog, what would it be and why?

If you had a split personality, and each one controlled 1 half of your face, which of you would do what?

If you could pick any mask to replace your current face with, what mask would it be?

If you were the cause of the apocalypse, how would you do it?
3)Being able to use 100% brain everytime, because Idk, I want to discover how it feels.
4)No,just no.
5)I would draw a dragon becuz I can burn things and I have a pet.
6)I would choose telekinesis, why? because i can just do ma pizza when I'm paying, and... for slaping people that says that are my friends, but when i ask them one of the things that they like from me and dont answer.
8)Cats, of course.
10)Teemo (no, i'm not kidding).
11)no, i would be eaten.
I'll answer the others later.
Would you rather have a mustache that talks on it's own accord or butthair that makes fart noises 24/7

Would you rather have ear hair that makes annoying noises all day all week or nosehair that smells of death and worse

if you could add or improve anything to your body(extra limbs, faster/stronger muscles) what would it be and why?

How would you imagine your life to be if you had tastebuds in your butthole?

if you could bring the things you draw to life, what would you draw and why?

if you could have any super power, what would you do with them?

Vampires or werewolves?

Dogs or cats?

Would you like to see a Shrek vanity in Terraria?

If you encountered a walking, talking banana down the street, how would you call your new bestest friend?

If you rolled up inside a pizza to become a human pizza burrito, would you be a happy human pizza burrito?

Do you like pizza?

If you could take the place of an inanimate object of choice, becoming able to decide when you'd open/close (in case of a door) , what would you be and why?

If you woke up one day and found yourself having entered another reality; where everything is completely different, however with the same people in it, where they have no knowledge of previous reality, while you do.. What would you do?

If you had to pick 1 youtube song video to be your theme, what video would it be?

If you had a small portal you could reach into that enabled you to retrieve any object fitting through it, both fictional and real, what would you take and why? (imagine the portal-hole to be the size of a missing brick in a brick wall)

What would you have if you gained the powers and abilities from the last character you played as?

if you could have any mythical creature (dragons and :red:) as a pet as loyal and peaceful as a dog, what would it be and why?

If you had a split personality, and each one controlled 1 half of your face, which of you would do what?

If you could pick any mask to replace your current face with, what mask would it be?

If you were the cause of the apocalypse, how would you do it?
12)Yeh, a lot.
13)a furry, because i want to be hugged.
14)Send teemo to smite every piece of :red: on my reality.
why? Because I can't get it out of my mind.
16) a graphic tablet, because I want to draw.
17)The ability to broke heads, jumping, knocking back every enemy I see and HEAL HEAL (Xin zhao).
18) Leviathan, yes the borderlands one, why? Because I always wanted a big pet.
19)I would slap the part that i don't control, and the other, idk, being idiot, I really hated to answer this.
20)A :red:ing cat army.
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