ASK Spazmatism Anything

So...If someone made a better version of you...And retinazer...And another eye,would you try to battle those upgraded eyes?
So...If someone made a better version of you...And retinazer...And another eye,would you try to battle those upgraded eyes?
Are you refering to Calamitas and her brothers Cactylism and Catastrophe

But can you shoot enemies from off screen?
I never have to, I am faster than him and players (unless they have a speed enhancer better than Hermes Boots) so I can stay onscreen.

but in lore is u were made by mechanic, so how can be EoC your uncle?
I am a cyborg, half organic and half robot. I existed before I became mechanical, they just added a mechanical jaw on to me
do you know other mechanical bosses? are you friend with them?
As none of the other mechanical bosses are cyborgs, I am not friends with them because being friends with a robot is weird

why is your name Spazmatism
You would have to ask my parents. In other words, I don't know

Well...Theres many people out there imagining better versions,so...Yes,i mean calamitas.
If I got all my powers back than I would

Hey Spazmatisim, does it bother you much to be connected to your brother all the time?
No, we can sever the connection for short periods of time so we aren't always together
Which of the mech bosses is the strongest?
You and Retinazer?
The Destroyer?
Skeletron Prime?
(Or maybe the new hallow boss is a mech boss?)
I noticed that you seem more Exposed than your brother, yet you allow yourself to be attacked relentlessly because of the close quarters, why?
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