Ask The Stupidest Question...

On the first post of the pattern, ask a stupid question. On the second-fifth posts, add a word or two to the question. On the sixth post, awnser it. On the 7th through 10th post, add a word or two to the awnser. After that start over from post 1.

1. Why do we fart?
2. Why do we fart constantly?
3. Why do we fart/fortnite dance constantly?
4. Why do we fart/fortnite dance constantly at night?
5. Why do we fart/fortnite dance constantly at night and day?
6. Because you're annoying
7. Because you're annoying... not!
8. Because you're annoying and cringy... not!
9. Because you're annoying and cringy... not like me!
10. Beause you're partly annoying and cringy... not like me!
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